Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The People's Will for American Voting Policy

The People's Will for American Voting Policy We should fairly analyze the middle election in the United States of America, which has three points to let us rethink the election system: First, the government's financial support, second, the law ordering the voters, and third, the duty of the voters. In fact, we live in a democracy, with freedom, and justice, but we are controlled by a powerful system without equality when our ballots are secretly controlled by special magic. The United States of America has two political parties which are the Democrat and Republican, so each time has taken an election. The national budget supports each party which is why the American Government has supported the Democrats which has $360,000.00 (three hundred sixty million dollars) while the government supporting the Republican party had $ 190.000.00 (one hundred ninety million dollars.) Therefore, we should analyze ourselves that the unfairness of the American Government was unfair. If the American budget is equally divided between the Democrats and the Republicans, their campaigns should conquer all the hearts of their memberships and people. However, the discrimination of the party was revealed in the internal government of the United States of America. The voter through the mail which is why modern civilization America has not applied its progressive science- for example, the committee of voters must carry the mailbox coming house to the house of the American citizens who registered to vote by the mail let it receive the USP mails or the citizen diseases who are unable to the polling place without having used emails voted to let us avoid the riggers. Let the American Government express its true democracy. Let the committee of voters defend the right ballots without having riggers. The duty of the American voters should be expressed as modern civilized citizens; we cannot be bribed by political dealers. Let them cheat to exchange our right thoughts because our voters not only expressed our American community standards but also impressed our modern civilization without having dictators, militarism, and socialism which have engrossed the supper values of the American people. Therefore, the American citizens must protect our sublime values of a modern civilized citizen when they rightly used their ballots to build our perfect government, or we should subvert a corrupted government with peaceful actions. In conclusion, a government is loyal to its people when it has not applied Critical Race Theory in the people and politics, it does not discriminate against the skin because all American citizens voted for their leaders. The government has not abused the people's voters and let it distort the people's will. That the government and people are like fish and water.

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