Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 4,1776-2022

July 4, 1776 -2022 What do you understand about the bilateral treaty which is an agreement regarding income tax administration-exchange of notes at Saigon on March 31 and May 3,19676? Entered in force May 3, 1967, as 18 UST 546; TIAS 6262;685 UNTS 207 while we were side by side fighting against communists, we must pay income tax to the Government of the United States of America but we were betrayed by the United States Congress. When we returned to our motherland, we had not earned any pensions or income tax? What do you think of the United States Constitution that the national fathers solemnly declared about happiness and nobility on July 4, 1776? This is why the United States had not only forced the Republic of Vietnam to surrender to mainland China but also bullied us to fight against the international communist bloc which is H.R. 7885 Pub. l. 88-205 Approved December 16, 1963. from what the Government of the United States had forced us to pay the income tax to the American Government when we were side by side fighting against the international communist by the bilateral treaty which is an agreement regarding income tax administration. Exchange of notes at Saigon on March 31 and May 3, 1967, Entered into force on May 3, 1976, as 18 UST 546; TIAS 6262;685 UNTS 207, for which the American Government had not paid any pensions when we are returning to our National Fathers that who solemnly declared the happiness and Nobility on July 4, 1776?