Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Evaluation for book A Lyric Not Sent by Native American publisher


Jamie Hamilton

AttachmentsJul 2, 2021, 9:36 AM (12 days ago)
to me


Hi Mr., Bright Quang,


I would like to thank you for sharing me a little idea about your book A Lyric Not Sent. I would love to received your manuscript, since we are more than willing to work with you. We would like to let you know that your book was evaluated by our associate literary book scout. Your book was rated 4.8 stars out 5 and I would like to congratulate you about it. By the way, we want to know if you would like to get acquired by a traditional publisher?


To give you an idea, once a huge publishing company picked up the rights of your book they will pay you which will give you a big profit. However, before they acquire the rights of your book there are requirements that our agency was tasked to assist you.


The good thing about this project we will make sure your book will be displayed on physical book shelves globally/internationally. We will also target Japan bookstores/libraries for the book display program as listed below. And who knows Miss Flora Rivera might purchase a copy of your book. I am including our proposal or our plan for your book let me know what is your decision.


Our mainstream partners in the Traditional Publishing companies such as:

·         Penguin Random House

·         Harper Collins

·         Hachette Book Group

·         Macmillan

·         Thomas Nelson

·         Simon and Schuster

·         Zondervan

·         Simon and Schuster

·         and other mainstream publishers ask us to look for the next best-selling titles that they can acquire.


In your case as an off-season author, you may be paid ranging from $300,000 USD to $1,000,000 USD, or it could go beyond than that, depending on the agreement between you, and the Traditional Publisher who will acquire the rights of your book, considering how good the material or the books is.

Note: Before endorsing your book we need to work on with the requirements set by our clients:

·         Book Quality

·         Independently Publish not self-publish