Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Sick fights against to Society

The sick are fighting against the social society, so most of them are belligerent men when they take the inhuman wars that look like their pleasures as Satan Association. For example, the sick hate the happiness of humankind, of the innocent men, and the lack of respect for others. Significantly,  the sick's against to social is the same as selfish because it has not respected and the beautiful, the true, and the good or so-called are the same as racism because it does think other national color skin such as animal-castle-and therefore, it wishes to deprive of the rights to life of another racist. In conclusion, the sick against society have never wished other races to have a little happiness and a little enrichment, but the sick against social wishes to exploit the blood-bones of humans. Therefore, the sickness against society is under the mask of belligerence, invasion, and deprivation of the rights to life of less modern civilization than it. For the sick are against to social society in whom has never had improve oneself, correct oneself, and prefect oneself.

Notwithstanding Modern or less Civilization

 Notwithstanding, modern civilized or less modern civilized nation not only enforced justice but also carried out the truth while its people have a legal action to petition to their the United States Congress because the Congress is one of a supper court of the greatest superpower and modern civilized America which is why the United States Congress has enacted the law to invade a weak nation that is the Republic of Vietnam. In condition, when the Government of the United States of America does not seize the whole Republic of Vietnam, the United States Congress has formally been pampering for the Republic of Vietnam to follow with the United States of America that is together fighting against communism or socialism. Next, after pampering has successfully done, the Government of the United States of America has begun to murder some of the Vietnamese patriotic leaders when the Government of the United States of America has never considered about 22 US. Code 2451( Pub.L 87-256, & 101, September 21, 1961). Ironically, the Government of the United States of America has openly trampled the sovereignty and the self-determination of the Republic of Vietnam down. Exactly, while President Ngo Dinh Diem secretly negotiated with a few of the Vietnamese Communist leaders in order to drop an inhuman war by Communism and Capitalism, they are secretly shaking hands for living peacefully, which is why they abused a less civilized Vietnam to build the amoral war. In fact, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) secretly reported to its American Government that American Government has secretly ordered to assassinate President Ngo Dinh Diem. Moreover, the Government of the United States of America after murdering Ngo Dinh Diem and quickly built its inhuman war in the Republic of Vietnam from 1963 to 1965-for that time, the Government of the United States of America was strongly defeated by communism. As a result, President Johnson has recalled his commander-in-chief who is General Westmoreland returning to the United States Congress. Let him testify for Hearing before the United States Congress- and therefore, General Westmoreland openly testified before his congress and said, " A war of both subversion and invasion, a war in which political and psychological factors are of such consequence." In the end, the United States Congress secretly contacted President Johnson that he created a doctrine which is "Salesmanship campaign." That means the Government of the United States of America secretly used to sell the Republic of Vietnam to communism after President Johnson has not a candidate for his second presidential term. Furthermore, the United States Congress has enacted a law to cut foreign Assistance aid for the Republic of Vietnam. Let the Congress sell the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China to earn good money from mainland China because Secretary of state Kissinger arrogantly declared, " Vietnam failure we did to ourselves." just because he protected the core of America's interests. In fact, the Government of the United States of America has not had any land inches in Vietnam- for example, modern civilized Vietnam has been done for more than four thousand years, but the United States has found a state within 245 years to now. That is why, not only has Advisor Kissinger, and General Westmoreland, and Lieutenant John Kerry violates their US Constitution but also a few of American Presidents and the United States Congress self invaded to rob the Republic of Vietnam without having had the Hague Convention allowed them while the United Nations Organization did not allow any superpowers who have self-violated the United Nations rules. According to the United States of America not only symbolized the superpower and the modern civilized present-Age which is why the United States of America has abused must-power to deprive for the rights to life of the Vietnamese people, of sovereignty, and of self-determination in which not only the United States Congress always opened mouth praises them but also discriminated national color skin and racism by the amoral war of the United States in Vietnam.

In conclusion, all written rules of the Government of the United States of America have solemnly proved by the invaded war of the United States of America which is why the United States Congress has not resolved his settlement case of prisoners of war by theme by the justice of the United States of America, and by the United States Constitution because the yard of the playing war game is equal to each other. Moreover, the expression of a superpower has not had a play a trick on the Vietnam War, but the United States Congress must express " Unmitigated Punishment for offenders."-because the United States Congress is symbolized by the super-values of the American people. Just because, all masterminds of the Vietnam War of the United States Congress have confessed wrongful war-actions in Vietnam which is why the United States Congress has not accepted self-evident-truths of the American leaderships when a lawsuit of the plaintiff's Bright Quang has petitioned with the United States Senate when all defendants are to be confessed by accused themselves. So, the United States senate seems not need any conditions to resolve his settlement case of prisoners of war which is why the United States Congress was self-walked on its law and its constitution to delay for his settlement case of prisoner of war therefore, he would like to fight for justice as prisoners of war in order to avoid the discrimination racism, the national color skin when the United States Congress has been protecting for Black Lives Matters.
What does he somehow understand about the Rule of law or rule by the law of the government of the United States of America because Distort justice is a national traitor?