Saturday, July 16, 2022

Truth is long - lasting when Power is short

Humankind is the whole people when they shall reevaluate loyalty. just cause, and justice of a powerful country or so-called greatest power’s America when the Government of the United States of America has carried out three multilateral, the thirty-seven bilateral treaties, and the American law to invade and subvert a small national Republic of Vietnam. That is why all treaties, bilateral treaties, and international relations of protocols are unjust laws because the United States of America invaded and subverted the Republic of Vietnam by the American values of the United States Constitution which are why the Government of the United States of America has not self-respected itself. Therefore, humankind or worldwide people, why do they realize the greatest power’s America is to express loyalty, just cause, and justice with its South Vietnam allies? Because the United States is not only symbolized by modern civilization but also impressed as a powerful country that is one of five powerful countries represented by the United Nations, why has the United States of America flipped over with its South Vietnam allies? Truth is long-lasting when power is short. if the United States of America has lost its truth, the Greatest Power’s America will lose its greatest power no longer.