Monday, October 4, 2021

Dear President Sir

Dear President Sir, First, I would like to submit my settlement case of prisoner of war to you. If you have free time, you should skim. My petition has been sent to the Senate Chairwoman already. Because my settlement case of prisoner of war will not yet petition to You (The Government of the United States of America, my case should follow step by step when I have submitted to the United States Congress and senate if after the United States Senate will not resolve for my settlement case of prisoner of war and then, I will submit my settlement case for prisoner of war to you because you are president of the United States of America to would like to request you to enforce the law and constitution. For example, the Southern employees had been paid the income tax to the United States of America from May 3, 1967, to March 1975 which is why we Vietnamese American prisoners of war have not received any pensions when we retire. Next, the United States of America has some American citizens who escaped to pay the income tax so the American Government must punish or the American Court must prosecute. In fact, we Vietnamese American prisoners of war have been paying income tax to the Government of the United States of America while we were on the battlefield of the Vietnam war. Finally, I would like to sir to skim my settlement case for the Prisoners of war when I have enforced the American laws, Multilateral, bilateral treaties, International relations of protocols, the Hague Convention, and the International laws which have related between the United States and the Republic of Vietnam signed on them by the written law. Especially, my settlement case for prisoners of war has the eyewitnesses who are General Westmoreland, Secretary of State Kissinger, and lieutenant John Kelly because they have been testified hearings before the United States Congress in the meanwhile, they have self-confessed wrongful acts during the Vietnam War. In my opinion, a legal petition has three pieces of written evidence by the masterminds of the American leadership, so my settlement case for prisoners of war not only had legal action but was also suitable for the rule of law. Respectfully Yours