Monday, November 20, 2023

The Paris Peace Accords is without having sold the Republic of Vietnam

No. 13295 (a) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM, PROVISIONAL REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH VIET-NAM and REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Viet-Nam. Signed at Paris on 27 January 1973 Authentic texts : English and Vietnamese. (A) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Dear Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Sir,

Dear Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Sir, Please share with me. Please review these exact evidence of the Vietnam War while a great America's ally has not only betrayed its close Republic of Vietnam's ally but also killed the Republic of Vietnam Army that induced one million excellent Armed Forces which is why the United States Constitution has not articles and chapters allowed the constitutional Court or so-called the United States Congress enacted the law to allow President Kennedy to self-kill a foreign president's Ngo Dinh Diem. That is why a great America's ally has self-killed its weak and small Vietnam Ally? Why does the United States of America have self-torn three multilateral and thirty-seven bilateral treaties signed with its Vietnam ally? Finally, if the American citizens didn't respect the orders of the United States Congress, the United States Congress ought to prosecute them while the United States Congress has walked on the United States Constitution, who should be prosecuted by the United States Congress? What do we vote for in the United States Congress? Best regards Bright Quang