Friday, April 29, 2022

To Raise our Heads

The US has sold our wonderful nation to mainland China which is why we did not dare directly struggle with the USA by the American laws, the Hague Convention, international agreements, and the United States Treaties while the Government of the United States of America has been signed the thirty-seven multilateral and bilateral treaties with the Republic of Vietnam. Even worse, the Government of the United States of America has forced us to pay income tax to the American Government. We were fighting against communism on our battlefields. This is why the United States Congress has sold off our legal government to communism, imprisoned one million excellent soldiers, and killed three hundred thousand Southern officers without having openly judged. On the other hand, we came to our second motherland, we have not earned any pensions, but the United States Congress has enacted the law to praise us that we have been enriching the United States of America. Ironically, we have not known to self-ashamed ourselves when we open our mouths and keep our heads down- in the meantime, we do not struggle for American justice, just cause, and loyalty when we are good to fight for supremacy to seek a little bit of money. In contrast, we are always proud of a successful candidate when we did not graduate from American Universities. However, some Vietnamese American refugees always mobilize a campaign for young Vietnamese American settlements to fight against the Vietnamese communist regime, but they did not understand the United States Congress has enacted the law to invade and subvert the Republic of Vietnam, to destroy a government of the Republic of Vietnam, imprisoned one million Southern Armed Forces, and murdered three thousand excellent Southern officers without having regret. In fact, the budget of the Republic of Vietnam has accumulated three hundred fifty million dollars during the thirty years of the Southern Vietnamese and soldiers of our blood and bones. However, the Government of the United States secretly transferred it to the Vietnamese communist regime after the deputy woman of the United States Supreme Court visited Hanoi, Vietnam. Another, from 1977 to 1979, the Vietnamese revolution was standing itself, we were fighting against the Vietnamese Communist regime. So, the Central Intelligence Agency not only helped the Vietnamese communist regime to fight against our Vietnamese Revolution but also destroyed the Hoang Co Minh organization which would rebuild the Republic of Vietnam. On the other hand, Ex-vice President Nguyen Cao Ky was strongly fighting against the Vietnamese Communist Regime, so the Central Intelligence Agency secretly ordered him to go back to Hanoi, Vietnam during the American Government strategist, but Mr. Nguyen Cao Ky was no longer passed aways by the Vietnamese communist regime of poison. In conclusion, when the Government of the United States of America has destroyed its South Vietnam allies, the United States Congress shall build up a new government of Vietnam without having the Republic of Vietnam, a Socialist of Vietnam because the Republic of Vietnam was deleted after fifty years, the US shall rebuild it and revive it. Therefore, we, the Vietnamese American prisoners of war, must directly struggle with the Government of the United States of America and the United States Congress to get the benefits of prisoners of war because the United States Congress has enacted the American laws to invade and subvert the Republic of Vietnam. While the Government of the United States of America has solemnly signed with the Republic of America to have the seventy-seven multilateral, bilateral treaties, and international relations of protocols which is why the United States not only expresses loyalty, just cause, and justice but also symbolizes American heroism, modern civilization, and progressive society, but the Government of the United States of America has played war hoax of the Vietnam War and playing hands-off policy with a small nation which was less modern civilized more than the United States of America trillion fold when we, the Vietnamese American Prisoners of war, are poorer more than the American politicians and American leaders millionfold. This is why we, the Vietnamese American prisoners of war, do raise our heads to directly struggle for justice as prisoners of war without being fearless., but we, the Vietnamese American prisoners of war, have not dumbfounded our heads. Let him compare the Vietnam War and the Ukraine war just because in the Vietnam War, the Government of the United States of America has destroyed its Vietnam allies, imprisoned one million Vietnam Armed Forces, assassinated President Ngo Dinh Diem, murdered three innocent Vietnamese people, freely killed the three hundred thousand Southern Officers without having compensated any pennies when Ukraine War, Mr. Putin has not yet assassinated innocent civilian Ukraine is as much as the Vietnamese civilian people, not yet destroy a government of Ukraine, and not yet deprive of the right to life of the Ukraine troop which areas the same as the South Armed Forces that the United States Congress has done-while the Government of the United States of America must condemn Putin war's crime during the United States has been silent the war's crime of proxy war by the American laws and multilateral, bilateral treaties, and international relations of protocols oneself. So, the Vietnamese American prisoners of war could not keep their heads down, we must express our Vietnamese American Prisoners of War heroism as we were fighting against the Vietnamese Communists in the past- after that, we should protect our loyalty, just cause, and justice to not only proud with our second motherland to but also be not shameful with the Vietnamese people inner nation and foreign world. Bright Quang 30 April 1975 to 30 April 2020.