Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Critical Race Theory for the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was built by the American Democratic Party which at the time was President Kennedy. In the meanwhile, the Democratic Party transferred the Vietnam war and other wars in the world to the American Republican Party which is why the Democratic party has been condemning the Critical Race theory because the Democratic party plays a hoax game with the Republican Party. To prove this, when the United States of America secretly sold the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China, Secretary of State Kissinger and President Ford requested the United States Congress that should evacuate one million and seven hundred thousand of the Southern officers and civils out of Saigon, but Senator Biden said, " America has no obligation with Vietnam," Because Senator Biden has forgotten Act's H.R 7885 Approves December 16, 1963. by the Democrats voted and approved. The United States Congress carried out the Second Amendment to the US Congress to let President Kennedy bring the American Armed Forces to seize and subvert the Republic of Vietnam. On the other hand, in August 2021, the United States secretly cut and ran out of Afghanistan in the deep night and allowed the Afghanistan soldiers and civilians to be evacuated after three months. To compare, the Vietnam War and Afghanistan War, the American Democratic Party has been controlled by the United States Congress which clearly revealed its Critical Race Theory, but Democrats always sell this Subject to the Republican Party. Therefore, the plaintiff Bright Quang​ has been petitioning for his settlement case when he carried out three American leaders that have self-confessed wrongful actions in the Vietnam War by their written law. In fact, General Westmoreland testified in hearings before the United States Congress, Secretary of state Kissinger self-declared in the world and his American people, and President Kennedy has-self-recorded by his tap while he ordered his American Embassy in Saigon to secretly assassinate President Ngo Dinh Dien and openly built the coups the legal Government of the Republic of Vietnam while 22 US Code 2452 the United States Congress approved the international relation to increasing mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchange without assassination any foreign leader like Ngo Dinh Diem. Therefore, the current United States Congress expresses its Critical Race Theory in order to sink his settlement case.

Ballet Style's commentator

Their ballet Style not only has super wonderful art but also symbolizes the American society of modern civilization because this American age has not respected lifeless man woman (Lifeless female and male) and is impressed by no one's good at it. Therefore, these couple of artists are excellent at performing. Their language art not only points out a sublime society of most modern civilization in America but also symbolizes freedom and democracy which does not seem respectful of the law and constitution of America. As their art is represented by a progressive society without having to improve themselves, correct themselves, and perfect themselves. Bright Quang commentator.