Sunday, November 20, 2022

How does the United States of America repay justice to the Republic of Vietnam? 

How does the United States of America repay justice to the Republic of Vietnam?  In his opinion, the United States Congress should repay Justice to the Republic of Vietnam because the United States Congress has self-honored the greatest powerful country in the world. Let the U.S. Congress self-enacted the American law which is not only represented by Capitalism but also expressed by American Heroism to letting America raise the freedom flag while the United States Congress has solemnly persuaded the Republic of Vietnam that fought against communism because the United States of America not only worried Communism should seize Southeast but also threatened the security of America. Therefore, the United States Congress quickly enacted H.R. 7885. Pub-L 88-205. Approved, on December 16, 1962, the United States Congress cited the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution to lets Congress allowed President Kennedy that quickly ordered the American Armed Forces when President Kennedy hurriedly sent four hundred Armed Forces to the highland of the Republic of Vietnam to fight against communism - by the way the United States Congress carried out Multilateral treaty which is Mutual Defense Assistance(1) signed in Saigon on December 23, 1950, so the United States Congress made sure to enact 22 U.S.C. $$ 1571_1604. Pub-L. 329. 81 Congress. 63 Stat, 714. on December 23, 1950, and the bilateral treaty which is United States Congress not only approved it but also the United Nations endorsed this treaty. The American Ambassador to the Vietnamese Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs- Embassy of the United States of America, ca, a, No: 152 at Saigon, April 4, 1961. So, the United States Congress approved and enacted 12.1 UST, TIAS 4717. ( Heininonline-citation{12.1.UST.)  On the other hand, the United States of America not only sponsored the Geneva Conference on July 20, 1954- but also represented the United Nations and a great powerful country organizing this Geneva Conference to build Vietnam peace which is why the United States of America did not enforce this multilateral treaty. How would we evaluate the truthful heart of the United States Congress in the Vietnam War and the United States treaties? In contrast, the United States Congress has not enforced any multilateral and bilateral treaties with the Republic of Vietnam, but the United States after sent so many American Armed Forces to seize the Republic of Vietnam. That is why United States, President Kenedy secretly ordered his Central Intelligence Agency, let it assassinate President Ngo Dinh Diem. In case, the United States Congress enacted 22 U.S.C.$ 2451. Pub-L. 87-256-101. September 21, 1961. 75. Stat.527. Congressional statement of purpose said, "The purpose of this chapter is to enable the Government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchange; to strengthen the ties which unite us with other nations by demonstrating the educational and cultural interests, developments, and achievements of the people of the United States and other nations, and the contributions being made toward a peaceful and more fruitful life for people throughout the world; to promote international cooperation for educational and cultural advancement; and thus to assist in the development of friendly, sympathetic, and peaceful relations between the United States and the other countries of the world." Therefore, the United States came to the Republic of Vietnam, United States has self-changed this law to the murdered law. Even good, President Ngo Dinh has been conquering all hearts of the Southern Vietnamese. Let them together stand behind President Ngo Dinh Diem to build the Hamlet strategist- in the meanwhile, the Northern communist spies not only murdered but also so many Vietnamese communist spies opened arms with the South Government when they self-left left abandoned their communism. In contrast, after the United States assassinated Ngo Dinh Diem, the American Central Intelligence Agency also built coups to make the situation chaotic. Therefore, the Southern people self-abandoned President Ngo Dinh Diem's policy. let them secretly run together with the Vietnamese Communists when the Vietnamese communist spies not only took the streets but also seized so many of the local governments. Therefore, the Southern military people self-left their local barracks. As Vietnamese communist spies have easily seized the local governments. Therefore, the local South governments lost seventy total areas. For that reason, the Government of the United States of America thronged together numbers to send the Armed Forces to Vietnam when the United States of America pleasured them to play a hoax game in the thirty years of the inhuman war.  As a result, the US was just exhausted by this war, but the US did not allow the Republic of Vietnam to defeat communism. So, the US has begged North Vietnam for peace negotiations. Let America sell the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China through the Paris Peace Accords. In addition, the Paris Peace Accords has no chapter and Article which the treaty let it imprison all Southern troops and donate the Republic of Vietnam to Socialists. Why has great powerful America fooled all human beings and a small Vietnam ally of the close United States? Ironically, after thirty years of brutal war, the United States self-betrayed its ally. The United States largest opened its hands and let America welcome mainland China while the United States has not self-respected sovereignty, the United States would like to dedicate American sovereignty to the Chinese Communists by mainland China self-built a checkpoint in New York City. Why has the United States Congress fooled policy itself? Therefore, the United States must repay justice for the Republic of Vietnam while the United States not only represents the United Nations but also a great powerful country. What has the United States proudly had for its American Heroism?