Friday, August 6, 2021

No Result foe Peaceful Vietnam

**There are no results for peaceful Vietnam because the United States Congress has enacted H.R 7885 Pub. L 88_205 to seize the Republic of Vietnam, next, General Westmoreland has testified hearing before the United States Congress and said, “ A war of both subversion and invasion after hearings, President Johnson has created a doctrine that salesmanship campaign- and therefore, the United States Congress has cut $700,000,000.00 ( seven hundred millions) Foreign Assistance Air for the Republic of Vietnam) and final, the United States Congress has not approved the Paris peace Accords to be the law because the Multilateral treaties of December 23, 1950, signed in Saigon, Vietnam in which the United States Congress has approved to be 22 US Code 1571_1604 Pub. L 329 -81 St Congress, 63 Stat 714 December 23, 1950, which has not discriminated against the national color racist of the Vietnamese people. So the multilateral, bilateral treaties were enforced by the United States Congress if the United States Congress has not discriminated against the national color racist with the Vietnamese people. However, the superman racist of the United States Congress has discriminated against the national color racist with the Vietnamese people, and therefore, the United States Congress has never approved any laws and multilateral, bilateral treaties, and international relations of protocols with the Republic of Vietnam. That means the United States Congress has secretly sold the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China to build other wars in South-Asia as today, mainland China and other nations in which ought to take place a new war in the East Sea of Vietnam. Finally, if the United States Congress has not discriminated against the national color racist with the Vietnamese people, the United States Congress has enforced all multilateral, bilateral treaties and international relations of protocols with the Republic of Vietnam. in fact, the superman racism of the United States Congress has been thought the Vietnamese people such as the same animal cattle when President Nixon has solemnly declared and said, “ No one will be left behind of the Paris Peace Accords after he has threatened to cut ahead of President Nguyen Van Thien and President Kennedy has self-confessed to assassinate President Ngo Dinh Diem because the superman racism of the United States Congress has discriminated against to the Vietnamese people and therefore, the superhuman dignity of the Vietnamese people was trampled down by the United States Congress. As a result, the southern officer claimed the benefit of prisoners of war had not been resolved by the United States Congress when the Vietnamese plaintiff had shown the three pieces of written evidence of General Westmoreland, Secretary of State Kissinger, and Lieutenant Johnson Kerry. They have testified hearings before the United States Congress because 28 US Code 1346 by the chapter 171 Tort Claims Procedure, the Government of the United States has self-dropped its sovereignty to be received as a defendant. That is why the United States Congress has not enforced law and Constitution, but the United States Congress has self-walked above the law and Constitution just because the United States Congress is the superman racisms against the Republic of Vietnam by the Vietnam War.**