Monday, November 8, 2021

10 US Code 2733

10 US Code § 2733 Property loss; personal injury or death: incident to non-combat activities of Department of Army, Navy, or Air Force- According to this Act of from the first to the end of the Vietnam War, the United States Congress had not enacted any statutes in order to betray the Republic of Vietnam which is why you had transferred the Republic of Vietnam to the hand of communism when you did not respect the protocols international relations of yours with the Republic of Vietnam. Even so, the mastermind of the Vietnam War of the United States of America in which Secretary of State Kissinger has  self- confessed wrongful actions in the Vietnam War, so the American law is American law, you cannot distort the American justice system. What would he believe about American law when the US Congress enacted the law? Why has not the Government of the United States of America enforced the American law and the international treaties of the Vietnam War? On the other hand, the United States Congress has enacted American law, which looks like a nail hammered into hardwood in which it is different from water off a duck's head. As a result, all his situation' life of the mind, soul, and brain and properties were lost and injured by the American Armed forces who had been active in South Vietnam. So, the many values of his life are approximately eighty million dollars ($80,000,000.00). He would like to request the Government of the United States of America to compensate because he has been paid the Income tax for the American Government while he was serving for the American proxy war in South Vietnam. Especially, his all properties have included in the compensation to include the 3.5 percentages of profits. Because no great power of the world enacted the law to invade a weak country, the greatest power has destroyed all the natural resources and manpower of the Republic of Vietnam without compensation, without having enforced the law of war and not carried out the supreme law of the land. The United States Congress has solemnly been signed for agreements and treaties to approve the sovereignty and the self-determination of the Republic of Vietnam, but after that, the Government of the United States of America barbarously betrayed the Republic of Vietnam. How would you think about your American justice when you opened the war in the Republic of Vietnam? What would you realize about super values of Americanism concerned with the study of moral values in the Vietnam War? For that reason, General William Westmoreland was a commander general of U.S. military forces in Vietnam, he was recalled to the US Congress by President Johnson. In the meanwhile,  General Westmoreland has testified before the United States Congress when he said, “a war of both subversion and invasion, a war in which political and psychological factors are of such consequence.” And while a confident Westmoreland painted a favorable military picture, he twice emphasized a point that most likely made Johnson wince. “I do not see any end of the war in sight.” Apr 19, 2013 · The American Armed Forces had ruined so many lives of millions of Indochinese innocents and overthrown democratically elected governments, yet he keeps being rewarded and lauded. After General Westmoreland returned to the battlefield of Vietnam, he brought a doctrine of President Johnson to order him in which the doctrine of president Johnson had ordered the "Salesmanship campaign." Therefore, General Westmoreland has made the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces completely exhausted from A to Z by the American strategy and then, he and his American Armed Forces cut and run out of the Republic of Vietnam. Westmoreland said, “On behalf of the United States Army, I apologize to the South Vietnamese Army veterans because we have abandoned you.” On behalf of the United States Armed Forces, I would like to apologize to the veterans of the South Armed Forces for abandoning you guys.” Therefore, the plaintiff has had the self-evident truth by the written law, so he'd like to submit to the Court to review his settlement case of prisoners of war.Why has the U.S Congress approved Foreign Assistance in 1963 to invade his nation and not carried out perfectly? Indeed, the Vietnam War was just taking place, so General William Westmoreland was in the Republic of Vietnam in March 1964, when he was a highly decorated veteran of World War II and the Korean War- he is an American General Heroism. Furthermore, when Westmoreland first took command in Saigon; the United States had fewer than 17,000 military “advisors” helping for South Vietnam. Their job was to train and advise the Republic of Vietnam Military to fight against communism or -called is the Viet Cong. For Westmoreland continually pressed Washington to send combat troops, he came to the shores of Da Nang in March 1965, the American phase of the Vietnam War had animatedly begun. However, as President John F. Kennedy had predicted just a few years earlier – he quickly ordered sending his American soldiers that had 450.000 soldiers to the Republic of Vietnam in summer 1967, the American soldiers were fighting for anti-communism.In the meanwhile, the Republic of Vietnam Military has strongly been attacking the Vietnamese communist soldiers. The enemy of the Republic of Vietnam and the United States were cut and run to escape in highlands. On other hands, the American soldiers were strongly finding out all the Vietnamese peasants to transfer them to the free zones of the Republic of Vietnam, but most of them were completely assassinated by the American soldiers and the Korean soldiers. For example, the Vietnamese common peasants were in the East Son Tinh District, Quang Ngai Province; they were completely strongly gathered by the American soldiers as like My-Lai assassination took place in 1967. In the West Son Tinh District, Quang Ngai Province, the innocent peasants were together concentrated in one place and assassinated by the Korean soldiers. Because of this time was the Phoenix Program of the United States of America was taking place for Central Intelligence Agency, the Phoenix Program is in operation between 1965 and 1972, and the result of the Phoenix Program has had been neutralization arresting for the 81,740 suspected VC operatives, in which were killed approximately between 26,000 and 41,000 Vietnamese communist spies. Ironically, all of the Southern people would highly like to adore their Republic of Vietnam, but that is why they had left the Republic of Vietnam just because the unrighteous, disloyalty, and non just cause of the US has self-revealed in the Vietnam War. The outcome of the coup of the year 1963 took place, the Southern peoples' will was secretly changed by 360 degrees, so the Southern people have secretly turned their faces when they were following behind the Vietnamese communist regime- they secretly abandoned the Republic of Vietnam. Finally, no law of war, no law of land, and no great power had built the Vietnam War as like the Government of the United States of America- how would we realize fairly about loyalty, just cause, and justice of the United States of America in Vietnam War?