Saturday, March 19, 2022

His dream is culture and artwork

Dear Ex-President Sir, I am not interested in any political parties as Democratic or Republican when I am an older guy. So, I am struggling for justice as a prisoner of war because I have shamefully lost my reputation for my human dignity of life as a Vietnamese citizen. Therefore, I have a self-vow. I have never joined any political parties in the rest of the world when I am pleasuring in compose the political science, sociology books without having interfered into the American politics because of if I joined some political parties, I seem to self-suicided oneself -therefore, I have been trying to bronze casting for the forty-six figures of the American presidents in which I have a dream of in the rest of my life if I won my settlement case of prisoner of war- and I will be bought a tomb of part to let my family can't worry about my pass-aways. Especially, the life of a human-person has died , so the life is alive when he or she has often been commonly violated by more crime, but he or she has completely died. He or she has not committed any crimes- However, if I will not buy any tombs parts, my death-body will be dug up when I am unable to buy it within 20 years. if I do not buy a tomb part for the long-life as my dead body will not dig up. If the American local government shall dig my body up to throw anywhere because I have not pay any income tax, my family Nguyen shall have lost the family history- their ancestry -just because I first settled migrated in the USA - therefore, I have needed to keep my tomb part for the long run to let my offspring shall come to visit and shall offer the flower and incense tower to remember an enslaved war. As a result, I do not join any political parties. Respectfully Yours Bright Quang