Sunday, December 31, 2023

26 US Code 61 (a) Gross income from whatever,,,

Dear Majority Chuck Schumer Sir. First, I wish you, your Democratic Party and your family the best of everything. Second, no, my donation came to your desk because I was discriminated against by the national color race while I retired at 65 years old by the United States Constitution. Third, why didn't the US Department of tax carry out 26 US. Code 61(a) gross income from whatever. While we, the Vietnamese American enslaved in war, had paid the income tax for the United States of America, but we came here and retired, it didn't pay a penny of pension? Why does the United States Congress discriminate against the national color race while we are of your enslaved war? How would you reevaluate this 26 US Code 61(a) Gross income from whatever? Respectfully Your Bright Quang