Monday, May 31, 2021

Hi Author-House Publisher

 Hi Author-House Publisher,  

In our agreement has not evaluated to pay any fees because before I contacted with you that I requested to to review my manuscript if you agree to public my book Law of War of Land for Vietnam, you thought my manuscript which was not publish my book you must return my manuscript without having subtracted any free because I have not requested you to evaluate my manuscript in order to rob my blood and bond of my money. As a result, you agreed to review my manuscript by your censorship to rob my deposited payment. Why did you fool me with your evaluation when I did not need it? What is the meaning of your evaluation for my book when you have ordered me to prove the handwriting by the United States Congress because my book of Law of War of Land for Vietnam I have self-introduced about the Law without having violated any political motive policy. Now you have received my payment and then, you have flipped over to rob my payment. Should you ask all Native Americans what to know about the self-publishing book within evaluation if you evaluated my book that you evaluated the good or the bad without having had it censored. Would you define the means of the censorship and evaluation, would not you( Author-House Publishing? When you author _house publishing should realize between the review book and the evaluated book that they are different from each other? Thus, your self- agreement has not evaluated the book. If you are good quality, you must tell me to review the agreement before I pay it off, but you have received my payment and then you sent your agreement to abuse me. But I have not signed it, you self-sign it by electric sign. Now, you have cheated my payment and you were born with an evaluation policy. What do you understand about the self-published book by your policy? Even worse, you requested me to give my email password when you walked in on email and you deleted the contact between me and you. Let your Author-House company flip over my payment's book. If you cheat me, I must post all of yours to the reader community. Let our readers evaluate your Authorhouse publisher company which is the amorality of the inhuman publisher. Why do you discriminate national color skin with a Vietnamese American poet, writer and sculptor?

Bright Quang

Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Sick fights against to Society

The sick are fighting against the social society, so most of them are belligerent men when they take the inhuman wars that look like their pleasures as Satan Association. For example, the sick hate the happiness of humankind, of the innocent men, and the lack of respect for others. Significantly,  the sick's against to social is the same as selfish because it has not respected and the beautiful, the true, and the good or so-called are the same as racism because it does think other national color skin such as animal-castle-and therefore, it wishes to deprive of the rights to life of another racist. In conclusion, the sick against society have never wished other races to have a little happiness and a little enrichment, but the sick against social wishes to exploit the blood-bones of humans. Therefore, the sickness against society is under the mask of belligerence, invasion, and deprivation of the rights to life of less modern civilization than it. For the sick are against to social society in whom has never had improve oneself, correct oneself, and prefect oneself.

Notwithstanding Modern or less Civilization

 Notwithstanding, modern civilized or less modern civilized nation not only enforced justice but also carried out the truth while its people have a legal action to petition to their the United States Congress because the Congress is one of a supper court of the greatest superpower and modern civilized America which is why the United States Congress has enacted the law to invade a weak nation that is the Republic of Vietnam. In condition, when the Government of the United States of America does not seize the whole Republic of Vietnam, the United States Congress has formally been pampering for the Republic of Vietnam to follow with the United States of America that is together fighting against communism or socialism. Next, after pampering has successfully done, the Government of the United States of America has begun to murder some of the Vietnamese patriotic leaders when the Government of the United States of America has never considered about 22 US. Code 2451( Pub.L 87-256, & 101, September 21, 1961). Ironically, the Government of the United States of America has openly trampled the sovereignty and the self-determination of the Republic of Vietnam down. Exactly, while President Ngo Dinh Diem secretly negotiated with a few of the Vietnamese Communist leaders in order to drop an inhuman war by Communism and Capitalism, they are secretly shaking hands for living peacefully, which is why they abused a less civilized Vietnam to build the amoral war. In fact, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) secretly reported to its American Government that American Government has secretly ordered to assassinate President Ngo Dinh Diem. Moreover, the Government of the United States of America after murdering Ngo Dinh Diem and quickly built its inhuman war in the Republic of Vietnam from 1963 to 1965-for that time, the Government of the United States of America was strongly defeated by communism. As a result, President Johnson has recalled his commander-in-chief who is General Westmoreland returning to the United States Congress. Let him testify for Hearing before the United States Congress- and therefore, General Westmoreland openly testified before his congress and said, " A war of both subversion and invasion, a war in which political and psychological factors are of such consequence." In the end, the United States Congress secretly contacted President Johnson that he created a doctrine which is "Salesmanship campaign." That means the Government of the United States of America secretly used to sell the Republic of Vietnam to communism after President Johnson has not a candidate for his second presidential term. Furthermore, the United States Congress has enacted a law to cut foreign Assistance aid for the Republic of Vietnam. Let the Congress sell the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China to earn good money from mainland China because Secretary of state Kissinger arrogantly declared, " Vietnam failure we did to ourselves." just because he protected the core of America's interests. In fact, the Government of the United States of America has not had any land inches in Vietnam- for example, modern civilized Vietnam has been done for more than four thousand years, but the United States has found a state within 245 years to now. That is why, not only has Advisor Kissinger, and General Westmoreland, and Lieutenant John Kerry violates their US Constitution but also a few of American Presidents and the United States Congress self invaded to rob the Republic of Vietnam without having had the Hague Convention allowed them while the United Nations Organization did not allow any superpowers who have self-violated the United Nations rules. According to the United States of America not only symbolized the superpower and the modern civilized present-Age which is why the United States of America has abused must-power to deprive for the rights to life of the Vietnamese people, of sovereignty, and of self-determination in which not only the United States Congress always opened mouth praises them but also discriminated national color skin and racism by the amoral war of the United States in Vietnam.

In conclusion, all written rules of the Government of the United States of America have solemnly proved by the invaded war of the United States of America which is why the United States Congress has not resolved his settlement case of prisoners of war by theme by the justice of the United States of America, and by the United States Constitution because the yard of the playing war game is equal to each other. Moreover, the expression of a superpower has not had a play a trick on the Vietnam War, but the United States Congress must express " Unmitigated Punishment for offenders."-because the United States Congress is symbolized by the super-values of the American people. Just because, all masterminds of the Vietnam War of the United States Congress have confessed wrongful war-actions in Vietnam which is why the United States Congress has not accepted self-evident-truths of the American leaderships when a lawsuit of the plaintiff's Bright Quang has petitioned with the United States Senate when all defendants are to be confessed by accused themselves. So, the United States senate seems not need any conditions to resolve his settlement case of prisoners of war which is why the United States Congress was self-walked on its law and its constitution to delay for his settlement case of prisoner of war therefore, he would like to fight for justice as prisoners of war in order to avoid the discrimination racism, the national color skin when the United States Congress has been protecting for Black Lives Matters.
What does he somehow understand about the Rule of law or rule by the law of the government of the United States of America because Distort justice is a national traitor?

Friday, May 21, 2021

Kampuchea Hun Sen has realized...

 Kampuchea Hun Sen Prime - minister has realized exactly because the Government of the United States of America not only betrayed three national Southeast Asia but also sold them to mainland China to earn good money. When the American leaderships have been confessed in themselves, they have sold them to mainland China.  Next, Kampuchea Hun Sen has become the foe of the Government of the United States of America because Hun Sen, Lao leader, and Vietnamese leaders have exactly realized the United States of America has not had loyalty with its American allies. While the lack of personality of the superpower has represented by Capitalism, the greatest power America not only respected its promises with the weak national Southeast Asia but also trampled down them to the dirty mud. Let the US protect its core of interests, which is why the Government of the United States of America arrogantly deprived the right to life of three national Southeast Asia that is total of 3,000,000.00 (three million innocent people have died by the amoral American bombs from 1950 to 1975) In condition, the Government of the United States of America has self-pushed three national Southeast Asia that they must choose mainland China which looks like a great wall that they ought to be a backing body when they are no chosen anywhere.

In conclusion, an amoral did not improve oneself, not correct oneself, and not perfect oneself, and therefore, no one of the whole world esteemed when humankind is afraid the worsen man because it is amoral, barbarous, and an evil man than a sage.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

We the people should learn to apologize

 We the people should learn to apologize to the United States of America. the apologizing is the Viet War when General Westmoreland said apologized to Vietnam veterans when General Westmoreland cut and run out of the Republic of Vietnam. Next President Nixon has apologized to humankind when he has fooled President Nguyễn Van Thieu in the Paris Peace Accords. Finally, the Author House publishing Company has apologized to Bright Quang Author's book's Law of War of Land for VietNam.

As a result, we the people have learned from the United States of America when we are wishing to make politics. We have the heart to apologize from the American leaderships that they said apologized to run compensate for prisoners of war when they have built the inhuman war in the Republic of Vietnam. another, when we the Vietnamese American business, we have learned from Author-House Publishing company to apologize to its customer in order to deprive the depositing for self-publish-book. Because the United States of America did not have any censorship, but the Authorhouse publishing company after received the depositing payment of its customer, Author-House publishing company has created censorship Let's censor the book of its customer in order to rob the depositing payment and did not publish the book. Therefore, Bright Quang Author has especially been learning the apologizing for the American leaderships and the American business that they have said: "Apologized." Because Apologized means is to cut and to run out of the crime in order to freely take the money and not compensate for their war crime.

Bright Quang
Apr 12, 2021, 1:56 PM
D 827590 Good evening Rose Madam, I would like to talk with you about my book's Law of War of Land for Vietnam. I thought that it was entirely censored, disclaim

Rose Sheldon <>
Apr 13, 2021, 6:26 AM
to me

Good morning, Mr. Quang.

My sincere apologies for the inconvenience. We did not mean any discrimination or prejudice against the books submitted to us. The reason for the delay was due to the initial files being corrupted (which means the files are not workable). We talked last week and I asked for you to send another copy of it, which you did. To let you know, the book has passed the evaluation stage already and is now being finalized. The next step would be book design creation. We are moving forward with the project.

Please let me know if your available time today so we can discuss further.

For any questions or concerns, you may contact me at 833-262-8899 extension 5785 or send me an email. I am in the office from Mondays to Fridays, 8AM-5PM, EST.

**Please Note: I always do my best to respond to e-mails and attend to your concerns as soon as possible. However, because of the volume of e-mail that comes in each day, it may take 24-48 hours for a response. I appreciate your patience and understanding!


Rose Sheldon

Check In Coordinator


1663 Liberty Drive

Bloomington, IN 47403

o: 833-262-8899 extension 5785

f: 812.339.6554

INTERNAL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The content of this e-mail (including any attachments) is strictly confidential and may be commercially sensitive.

From: Bright Quang <>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021, 4:56 PM
To: Rose Sheldon <>
Subject: About my book is 827590

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Bright Quang
Apr 13, 2021, 11:04 AM
Good Morning Rose Sheldon Madan, I am always respectful of you and your Publisher company. However, for one month and a half, I realized that you were not fair

Bright Quang
Apr 14, 2021, 11:10 AM
Good Afternoon Rose Sheldon Madam, I just called you to request you to have a refund back my payment because you discriminated against me by national color skin

Bright Quang
Apr 14, 2021, 5:00 PM
Goode evening Rose Madam If madam has evaluated already, you should publish my book and I would like to apologize for the mistakes. best regards Se

Rose Sheldon
Apr 15, 2021, 4:37 PM
Good evening, Mr. Quang. Apologies for the misunderstanding, too. I’m finalizing the book now and as soon as I’m done, we shall move forward to the design stage. I will

Bright Quang
Apr 15, 2021, 4:47 PM
Thank you for your response. Dear Madam Rose, 827590 is belonging to you, so I am listening to you in all. Best Regards Bright Quang. I explain the statue which

Bright Quang
Apr 23, 2021, 6:07 PM
Dear Madam Rose Sheldon, 827590 Please let me know about your means that my book's Law of War of Land for Vietnam which is why you told me to send your cancelation

Bright Quang
May 3, 2021, 3:43 PM
Good Afternoon Madam Rose Sheldon, PID 827590 I would like to hear from you because you are a Native American Publishing your super values are greatest more than

Bright Quang
May 3, 2021, 3:43 PM
Good Afternoon Madam Rose Sheldon, PID 827590 I would like to hear from you because you are a Native American Publishing your super values are greatest more than

Bright Quang <>
May 7, 2021, 12:32 PM (13 days ago)
to reed, Rose, AuthorHouse

Hello Joe Freed Sir,
First, I am hopeful for your Author-House publishing company for over fifteen years when you have been publishing for my books because I do believe you and your Author Publishing, I and your company have not had a conflict with each other because we highly respected each other. For example, I first contracted with you ( Murphy he was managed) but that time your company has cut a book-reviewed by Native American Professor English Language-however, I was not claimed by any means because I have respected you.
Next, this time, I have submitted my manuscript book Law of War of Land for Vietnam, before I paid off $9373.cents.. by my daughter's account when you have discounted it because this package is over $1,300.00. Moreover, before I paid off this package I have been reminded Mrs. Rose Sheldon many times and I said,: If you agreed to publish my book, you ought to r carefully reviewer my manuscript book Law of War of Land for Vietnam because my book was used the American law, the United States Constitution and multilateral, bilateral treaties, and international relations of protocols between the Government of the United States of America and the Republic of Vietnam in Vietnam. For me, I struggle for justice as a prisoner of war.
As a result, Mrs. Rose Sheldon agreed when she sent an agreement to me, but I seemed not to sign when she was self-signed by electricity by computer because I have believed your publishing already. Ironically, after Mrs. Rose Sheldon received my manuscript, she has self-created difficulty to censor my manuscript. For example, she requested the copy-rights by my pictures, my statue, and handwriting for the United States Congress because all American laws and constitutions were enacted by the United States Congress. So I have submitted to explain with her by 5 US Code 552 as you understood this United States Code because I have requested to the Government Library Congress about the law and presidents letters. They have answered me by this 5 US Code 552.But she did not answer any words and therefore, I would say with her, " If you are unable to publish my book before 90 days, you ought to have a refund back payment for me. Let me seek another publisher when some publishing companies want to publish my book. Sometimes, she told me that your manuscript has transferred to the Department of designer, but sometimes she told me that your community has canceled to publish my book by Pandemic, and in the end, she decided to cancel to publish my book. I have told her that my book belonged to you and your company because I wished to publish my book, but I will not dishonesty your company and you because we are respecting the American literature and culture because the American scholars said, "The pen is mightier than the gun." Therefore, I respected the pen more than the gun.
Finally, I was waiting for Rose Sheldon to decide whether to publish or to decide a refund back. Suddenly, my daughter called me when she said, " Author has a refund of $537. cents. So I have called her, but she did not tell me any word because nobody picked up the phone and I have emailed to ask her and said, If you can not resolve to publish my book or ought to have a refund back within 90 days if after 90days you could not publish my book, but you did not have a refund back. So I must post all emails of you and me that were discussed by self-publish. After that, I will not tell myself to be an intrust-customer. Because I paid a price to publish my book, I have not created difficulty with you and your publishing company. I would like you to read all emails between Mrs. Rose Sheldon and me in the past. When she has ordered me to not share any emails with others because this is a secret policy.
Best Regards
Bright Quang

What does he somehow understand about the Rule of law or rule by the law of the government of the United States of America because Distort justice is a national traitor?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Dear The Week


Dear the Week,

Let him analyze some matters of our national dreamers which is why our national patriots have taken place their foreign power oneself -let them change our dreamers at this time.

First, we survey for the international history in the past when we have never seen one super great power that's led ruled the whole world forever such as Spanish King, French King, and Britain Royal, and Russian emperor, and raw butt (Genghis Khan). So, all of them have not existed in the long run - just because Heaven and earth have formatted for humankind already. As a result, someone ought to according to the heart of Heaven and earth, the one would live for a long life if a person fights against heaven and earth, he or she shall be eliminated by one's self. Therefore, all of the superpowers are above disqualified out of humankind by them. For what have of the heaven and earth wished at humankind? So, heaven and earth have disarmed the worsen ills or so-called barbarians, and lost moralities. For example, the cultivators or farmers planted the orange trees; they must protect the orange trees which are the best orange trees. Thus, a few of the orange trees are badly by the worms, the farmers must eliminate them out of their garden. In fact, the Chinese communists have secretly murdered so much of Falun Cong when they only have honestly religion without having any motive political. That is why the Chinese communists have deprived them of the rights to life of them. Ironically, the Chinese leadership not only kills them but also robbed the internal organs of the innocent Falun Gong to sell to others in order to earn good money. If the Chinese communist leaderships are the same as Falum Gong innocent, they have regretted Falun Gong, or pleasured to welcome to Falun Gong. How would the Chinese communists realize for deprivation of the rights of life in which are suffering or morality? In contrast, the families and the children of the Chinese communist leaderships live on the fat of the land. Their children of them go to study in foreign nations by the blood of Falun Gong who was killed by the unfair policy. On the other hand, the Government of the United States of America is symbolized by great power and modern civilization which is why the American Government not only protect the Chinese evil but also transfers all of secrete nation to inspire the Chinese evil. In condition, the American Government is represented for the whole world by Human Rights, humanitarians, righteousness, which is why the Government of the United States has been fallen in love with close evil Chinese communist communism. In circumstance, the law of Heaven and earth has not had invariably- even though the law has not written rule, but heaven and earth have been enforcing for the exact rule such as the United States Congress have more been enacting for the laws within confirm the written rules, which is why the United States Congress has never enforced its laws to correct events. In fact, the United States Congress wants to seize any foreign nations in the world, so the United States Congress has self enacted a law to invade a few foreign nations or to assassinate some the foreign leaders without having had judged - in the meanwhile, the United States Congress not only praise for human-rights but also respects the justice, the sovereignty, and self-determination of each people racism, which is why the Government of the United States of America has self walked on its laws without having respected oneself. Talk by book, since Vietnam War, the Government of the United States of America has barbarously betrayed its Vietnam allies because the Republic of Vietnam looked like an American lake, it was the weakest nation. However, Libya, Syria, and Iraq nations when they are together with membership of the organization of the united nations, they do not only protect by this organization but also strongly endorsed by the United States of America because the United States is one of five superpowers created by the organization, and by the written law without having had unwritten rules. In case, the United States Congress has just secretly and openly enacted the law of Just robbed just call out for help the United States has not respected the sovereignty and but violated to self-determination of this middle-east.. For example, Libya with the United States just signed for peace without having created atomic weapons when the ink is not dry out. So the Government of the United States of America has turned for one hundred eighty agree with belligerent of the United States not only deprived of the rights to life of Libyan people but also destroyed entirely national Libya and assassinated a Libyan leader. Next, the national Iraqi has not terrorized the United States and not created any chemical weapons which are why the paying jungle law of the United States invaded to destroy a heroic Iraqi Army and her Iraqi leader. Final, Syrian people have not hated or terrorized the American people and the American Government when it is together sitting with the Government of the United States table in the United Nations, which is why the United States not only torn shreds the charter of the United Nations. Where is the example of the superpower America expressing in the world? Another, the Government of the United States of America expresses a national religious Catholic. When God not only blessed all sheep but also respected the life of humankind, which is why the fetuses are not just born to welcome new happiness that is why the human rights of the United States have deprived of the rights to life of the fetuses when they are in the water-egg. In combination, the pope would like to endorse the killing of fetuses of the American Government when he would like to represent the Almighty God. In conclusion, throughout the law of Heaven and earth, the law of American Government, and the religious law, we the humankind must experience them when we realize about the American law which is an unjust law, just demagogic, and nothing because the United States has not realized about Unmitigated Punishment for offenders. Because when a superpower enacted the law to let's rule humankind, rob to deprive for the rights to life of humankind, enrich boundlessly. Next, the religious law has been a lull for fanatics because the religious law has been taught to the sheep who respect the good, the beautiful, and the truth which is why the pope has supported a barbarous American government policy in the inhuman abortion. as a result, the law of Heaven and earth is just exact, just equal, and just justice because the law of heaven and earth says, " What sow you reap." For example, the United States Congress enacted a law of war of land when the United States has not had any land in the foreign nations which is why the Government of the United States not only seized but also sold it to other superpowers. In fact, a few foreign nations have been done for over three thousand years of modern civilizations, but the United States has found the state within the 245 years to now, which is why the United States has been invading the foreign nations. In condition, the American Government has been using for its jungle laws just because the United States Congress has enacted the laws which make one way, but the Government of the United States enforced other ways by exchanged to jungle laws. Therefore, the United States will be soon following behind of the few superpowers oneself in prehistory.  Lets a new superpower increase up a throne the only having human morality will not be faded by time and space. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

IF The American Government Did Not Support Virus In Mainland China

 If the American Government did not support Virus in Mainland China, Chia would not have it. Because the American leaders are brainwashed by Socialism because the American Socialism ought to be totalitarian, to have a dictatorship, and to have election fraud like communist socialist'. For example, it robbed the properties of humankind without having judged, it is free traders of the internal organs of humans. If an act, the United States Congress has been testing them for fifty years to now. For example, the Government of the United States of America robbed the Republic of Vietnam by its foreign Assistance act. Next, the United States Congress has tested its unjust laws to fool the American people and the world. In fact, all multilateral, bilateral treaties, and international relations of protocols with the Republic of Vietnam because the jungle-law of the United States Congress only invades to the smallest foreign nations, but the United States Congress has never enforced by the justice - in fact, the masterminds of the American Government have been built up the Vietnam war when they have confessed themselves war crime. the Vietnamese American prisoners of war would like to carry out justice as a legal lawsuit which is why the United States Congress has not dared enforcement about it when the United States Congress has protected for Black Lives Matters because the United States Congress is represented by the greatest power, modern civilized and to praising for human rights which is why the United States Congress enacted the law which deprived of the rights to life of its Vietnamese allied and the Vietnamese people in order to apply socialism. Just because, the unjust laws of the United States Congress protect the core of interests of the United States without having protected its people. Moreover, 58,400 Americans fell in the Vietnam War when they came to rob Vietnam's land. They were defeated by the Vietnamese people. Ironically, its unjust law is H.R 7885 88-205 Approved December 16, 1963, to rob the Republic of Vietnam when the United States of American has solemnly been declared for defeating communism and its American troop ought to return home which is why the American Government has sold the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China and included one million of Southern Vietnam to socialism without having any regrets, but that is why the American troops returned their home when they praised their American heroism because heroism has robbed the weak nation and sold off to socialism without graded any close allies side by side fought against communism. That is the same as Mainland China has secretly murdered over three innocent Chinese millions. Let mainland China get the internal organs to sell in order to protect the core of interests of the Chinese Government. Another, the United States Congress approved the law to allow the Government of the United States of America to invade Iraq because the reason Iraq created the chemical weapon to destroy all national Iraq which is why mainland China is openly creating for Covid 19 which defeats the whole world, but the United States secretly welcome to congratulate to China. Finally,  the United States of America has openly congratulated the support of all of the secret high technology to mainland China in order to get a close ally, and then, the United States and mainland China connect to rule the whole world. lets them build socialism and trample humankind down by their totalitarians, dictatorships, and monachism. Let them enjoy Satan's guilt. What does he somehow understand about the Rule of law or rule by the law of the government of the United States of America because Distort justice is a national traitor?

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Defendant the USA

 According to the legal action of the plaintiff would like to petition the United States Congress or anywhere the American courts are from local courts to the United States Supreme Court- in the meanwhile, all masterminds are confessed by themselves. So the defendant of the Vietnam War has not created difficulties in order to run out the sacred duty and responsibility of the inhuman war. Even good,  the United States Congress is represented by the greatest power, modern civilized, and progressive American socialism or Americanism that the Government of the United States of America ought to protect the super values of the Greatest Power and modern civilization. Just because, the United States Congress has enacted the law to invade the Republic of Vietnam, to deprive of the rights to life of the Vietnamese people, and to sell the Republic of Vietnam to socialism in order to just build the American socialism and just protect the core of interests of the United States, which is why the United States Congress has not expressed the American heroism as the same is the American Armed Forces have come to the Republic of Vietnam since they made wind and rain in a weak allied Republic of Vietnam. Significantly, the greatest power and modern civilization Americanism are strongly impressed by the henchmen wars of the United States of America which is why the United States Congress has deeply escaped the compensation of the invaded war in the Republic of Vietnam. Especial, so many Vietnamese veterans who were side-side fighting against communism to letting us protect the security of the American society. Let the American people enrich boundlessly, but we the Vietnamese American prisoners of war have made the war slavery in our second motherland. That is the human rights of the American socialism offering for your Vietnamese allied after the invaded war was done. We the humankind of the world would like to thank the United States Congress for the trillionfold had built the war in the Republic of Vietnam to let our lives have not had any tombs as like the 81 paratroops were not had a tomb after the 46 years were fallen by the United States Congress.

The Defendant US symbolizes for the greatest power and modern civilization

 According to the legal action of the plaintiff would like to petition the United States Congress or anywhere the American courts are from local courts to the United States Supreme Court- in the meanwhile, all masterminds are confessed by themselves. So the defendant of the Vietnam War has not created difficulties in order to run out the sacred duty and responsibility of the inhuman war. Even good,  the United States Congress is represented by the greatest power, modern civilized, and progressive American socialism or Americanism that the Government of the United States of America ought to protect the super values of the Greatest Power and modern civilization. Just because, the United States Congress has enacted the law to invade the Republic of Vietnam, to deprive of the rights to life of the Vietnamese people, and to sell the Republic of Vietnam to socialism in order to just build the American socialism and just protect the core of interests of the United States, which is why the United States Congress has not expressed the American heroism as the same is the American Armed Forces have come to the Republic of Vietnam since they made wind and rain in a weak allied Republic of Vietnam. Significantly, the greatest power and modern civilization Americanism are strongly impressed by the henchmen wars of the United States of America which is why the United States Congress has deeply escaped the compensation of the invaded war in the Republic of Vietnam. Especial, so many Vietnamese veterans who were side-side fighting against communism to letting us protect the security of the American society. Let the American people enrich boundlessly, but we the Vietnamese American prisoners of war have made the war slavery in our second motherland. That is the human rights of the American socialism offering for your Vietnamese allied after the invaded war was done. We the humankind of the world would like to thank the United States Congress for the trillionfold had built the war in the Republic of Vietnam to let our lives have not had any tombs as like the 81 paratroops were not had a tomb after the 46 years were fallen by the United States Congress.