Monday, November 27, 2023

Dear Bill Gray, Vice President Hillsdale,

Dear Bill Gray, ’01 Vice President National Donor Outreach Hillsdale College First, I would like to appreciate you so much. Second, my family and I had not only been happy but also thankful the United States of America was giving our family to enjoy the thirty times of Happy Thanksgivings. So, our cheerfulness was the same as all of Native Americans. Third, I would like you to help for my settlement case for the Prisoners of War because both Congress and Senate have approved my settlement case by their written law, but today my settlement case is passed by a six-year petition had gone by, which is why the Constitutional Court of the United States of America has not yet resolved it. That is why I could not enroll to study the Constitution of your university. If I studied this program, it would be less valued than a Masters in Art. In conclusion, what can I do for you when the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution has not been carried out to my settlement case when both Congress and Senate were approved? Because your school has been teaching for the Constitution of the United States of America, my settlement case would solemnly carry out the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. That is why some political rivals have been prosecuting into the Constitution of the United States, but the Vietnamese American prisoners of war have been prejudiced by the indigenous law, by the discrimination against the national color racism. Respectfully Yours Bright Quang