Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Economic Studies

In his opinion, the Government of the United States of America wants to reduce national debt which is easy. In fact, from the President Harry S. Truman to now -how many the invasion and subversion wars to the foreign nations invest for the profits and losses which is why the United States of America has been falling in love with the invasion and subversion wars than it helps its people and humankind live peace, and which are the political policy of a great powerful America doing? Bright Quang

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Dear Senate Majority Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Sir,

Dear Senate Majority Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Sir, According to American politics, I am not attending any parties because the American politicians have never kept any promises with a few foreign weak nations like the Republic of Vietnam that have not only betrayed their mother country but also sold our nation to mainland China. Let the United States of America self-protect the core of national interests while the United States of America has not respected any indigenous laws, international law, and the Hague conventions with any weak foreign nations like our Republic of Vietnam that the United States of America used the war to push our Vietnamese people to the Stone Age. Therefore, I have never attended any political parties in the United States of America. In case, the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson should realize that your Ex-Secretary of State Kissinger stated and said, " America keeps Honoring One of its Worst Mass Murderers." After Mr. Kissinger has self-murdered one excellent million soldiers of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, the United States Congress has approved the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam and the right to self-determination by the American law and by the written law of the United States Congress. As a result, the United States of America has self-murdered 300,000.00 the South Vietnam officials without having defensed you're the Republic of Vietnam of your close allies of the United States of America, that is why a great powerful America did not keep any promises with your close Vietnam ally while your Modern Civilized Age has been playing a evil hoax of game with your undeveloped nation and people. For this reason, I would like to struggle for justice for Vietnam rather than enjoy the American political parties. If I attended the American political parties, I ought to support the criminal war for the United States of America. So, I am a criminal because I have understood about the evil sin of inhuman wars in the United States of America, I would follow great powerful America as I respected the rich more than just cause, loyalty, and justice, so my tribunal of human conscience did not allow me to do that. In fact, my properties, my father's properties, and my wonderful sacred ancestors are deprived the right to life of us by the United States of America which is why I ought to pride oneself to join into the American political parties, but I proudly make a good Vietnamese American citizen without having made criminals and political motives while I self ask the question in oneself as why has the United States of America easily self-invaded and subverted the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam by its unjust law, but the United States of America didn't compensate a penny? Why has the United States of America invaded and ousted the Afghanistan with in 20 years in war when it helped terrorism to attack the United States of America while the Republic of Vietnam is close ally of the United States of America, but the US has self-killed one excellent million soldiers of the Republic of Vietnam to express disloyalty, unjust cause, and injustice of the great powerful America? Therefore, the rest of my life would frankly struggle for justice with the United States of America without having fearlessness because I have promised myself and said, " I am impressed to improve oneself, correct oneself, and perfect oneself, because I always express to the good, the beautiful, and the true., and then, I ought to donate part of the rest of my life to humankind because its happiness looked like my own, Its source of life is as important as my life, and its monopoly burdens of sufferings looked like my onelife- therefore, a few great powerful nations were mightier more than the great powerful the United States of America now, but all of them were faded in themselves by time and space. So, the greatest powerful and modern civilized America will be the same as former mightier nations in the past because the highest mountains couldn't have stood up forever and the deepest rivers cannot have fullest water. Even so, if you and senators have not resolved for my settlement case, the American future general will repay its honoring integrity to my life and my Vietnamese national and people because I am a weakest plaintiff when I am unable to carry out the United States Constitution and multilateral and bilateral treaties and international relations of protocols while you and your great America have solemnly been signed with our sacred Vietnam because God was blessed for each people who has its own sacred nation without having invaded and ousted by the greatest powerful countries. In conclusion, I am, today frankly and directly, submitting my viewpoint to you and senate of the United States of Congress when I would like to base on the mutual Defense Assistance in Indochina of December 23, 1950 (TIAS 2447; 3 UST 2756 which was concluded pursuant to P.L 329, 81 St Congress (63 Stat. 714.22 UCS §§ 1571_1604 and Geneva Accords on Vietnam, and the Paris Peace Accords Volume-935-1-13295- English.pdf. - especially His Excellency ELBRIDGE Durbrow Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. TIAS 4717-HeinOnline -- 12.1 U.S.T. 312 2 and 22 USC § 2451. Section 407, Pul.L 88-205 Approved. December 16, 1963, 11: am and Income tax 18 UST 546; TIAS 6262; 685 UNTS 207 because I have the right to petition to both Congress and senate when we, the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, have paid the income tax for the United States of America on May 3, 1967, and 26 USC§ 61 which is why the United States of America didn't pay any pension to me. and even good, I would like to carry out the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Section 1 ratified July 9, 1868. and especially you have quoted and stated, "Faith, Family, and Country." Respectfully Yours Bright Quang

Monday, November 27, 2023

Dear Bill Gray, Vice President Hillsdale,

Dear Bill Gray, ’01 Vice President National Donor Outreach Hillsdale College First, I would like to appreciate you so much. Second, my family and I had not only been happy but also thankful the United States of America was giving our family to enjoy the thirty times of Happy Thanksgivings. So, our cheerfulness was the same as all of Native Americans. Third, I would like you to help for my settlement case for the Prisoners of War because both Congress and Senate have approved my settlement case by their written law, but today my settlement case is passed by a six-year petition had gone by, which is why the Constitutional Court of the United States of America has not yet resolved it. That is why I could not enroll to study the Constitution of your university. If I studied this program, it would be less valued than a Masters in Art. In conclusion, what can I do for you when the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution has not been carried out to my settlement case when both Congress and Senate were approved? Because your school has been teaching for the Constitution of the United States of America, my settlement case would solemnly carry out the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. That is why some political rivals have been prosecuting into the Constitution of the United States, but the Vietnamese American prisoners of war have been prejudiced by the indigenous law, by the discrimination against the national color racism. Respectfully Yours Bright Quang

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Secretary of State Kissinger has self-confessed his evil of his inhuman wars

America Keeps Honoring One of Its Worst Mass Murderers: Henry Kissinger// Satan's Kissinger has self-confessed his evil by his inhuman wars on the world. Bright Quang​

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Truth & Evil

Truth is the same as the sun that shines anywhere on the earth when evil goes down to hell. Bright Quang Why has the American court carried out the fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution to prosecute a Native American political rival and why has the fourteenth Amendment not enforced the Vietnamese American prisoner of war? Bright Quang

Thursday, November 23, 2023

To Compare Both Terrorized Wars

To compare Both terrorized wars  In my opinion, Hamas was terrorism to national Israel when it killed 1,400Israeli men and kidnapped the Israeli people, approximately 300 men. Therefore, the government of Israel has strongly been avenging Hamas. That is right to war and customs. However, the barbarians of Israelis evil more than a million-fold of Hamas terrorism. So, the tribunal of human conscience of Israel and its allies do not have human nature. In Comparison, the United States of America has self-enacted the law and treaties to invade and subvert its sacred Vietnam, after nearly 30 years of the inhuman war that have taken place by the great powerful America. The United States of America has not only forced us to pay the income tax but also had self-killed one excellent million Vietnam Army Forced and sent us to many concentration camps, which is why the United States of America has freely expressed its disloyalty, unjust cause, and injustice while the United States of America is mightier more than the Republic of Vietnam by trillion-fold but also is richer more than us by trillion and trillion- fold of us. However, the United States of America is one of the five countries representing the United Nations Organization. That is why the United States of America has self-expressed Neo-colonialism with the Republic of Vietnam without having any rules of law of the Hague Convention of the war and customs and the war on the land. Why does the United States of America have abused the power to deprive the rights to life of the poorest of Vietnamese people and its war minions? Therefore, Israel and its allies have strongly avenged Hamas within the unconscious of human nature. For example, Secretary of State Kissinger stated on the Vietnam War and said, “Some of the critics viewed Vietnam as a morality play in which the wicked must be punished before the final curtain and where any attempt to salvage self-respect from the outcome compounded the wrong. I viewed it as a genuine tragedy. No one had a monopoly on anguish.” And said, “Bombing Vietnam: "It's wave after wave of planes. You see, they can't see the B-52 and they dropped a million pounds of bombs ...I bet you we will have had more planes over there in one day than Johnson had in a month ... each plane can carry about 10 times the load of a World War II plane." Mr. Kissinger quoted to look like a Government Israel has revenged on Hamas because the Vietnamese people and armed Forces did not terrorize the United States and American person which is why the Secretary of State has poured his animosities on the innocent Vietnamese people down like Israel too. However, after cutting and running out of the Republic of Vietnam, the United States of America has self-played its hands-off policy without having compensated to its war minions and the national Vietnam a penny like Senator Joe Biden stated, “I am ready to vote any money needed to bring American soldiers and Americans out of South Vietnam back to the United States, but I will not give a penny for evacuation and resettlement of any person. Viet Yet, the United States has no responsibility to save any one person or 100,001 Vietnamese: The United States has no responsibility to them. The victory of the Vietnamese Communist was because they [the Vietnamese] refused to fight anti-communism.” Because the great powerful America has the right to pour the American monopoly burden of sufferings on the Vietnamese head and officials enslaved in war to express the American Human Rights..California's Happy Thanksgiving. Bright Quang The American super Jurisprudences were?  In his opinion that he has based on this article to analyze for the legal actions of Ex-president Trump which is why a Vietnamese American naturalized by the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution when the plaintiff’s Bright Quang has carried out the indigenous law, international law, and the Hague convention, but the constitutional Court has not yet resolved to his settlement case. In fact, the United States Congress has enacted H.Res. 309 the fall of Saigon (1975): The bravery of American Diplomat and refugees. And S. 484- Bring them Home Alive Act- specially having three American leaders who had been relating to the Vietnam War while they had self-confessed wrongful actions in war by their written law in themselves. Therefore, according to a lawsuit of the settlement case or violated criminal while the defendants had self-confessed themselves which is why the Constitutional Court has not resolved to his settlement case. As a result, the plaintiff would like to carry out the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and individual Freedom and the Bill of Rights- Chapter 11- Equal Protection of the Law. Un such circumstances, the United States Department of Secretary of State had not only signed some bilateral treaties to approve the right to self-determination of the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam which 12 UST that The American Ambassador to the Vietnamese Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 152 Saigon, April 4, 1961, and Taxation is agreement regarding tax administration. Exchange of notes at Saigon March 31 and May 3, 1967, Entered into force May 3, 1967. 18 UST 546; TIAS 6262; 685 UNTS 207, and 28 USC § 1346 b-the United States as the defendant- June 25, 1948-Chapter 171- Tort Claims Procedure and 22 USC§§ 1571_ 1604 - Pub.L 329-81 St Congress, 63 Sat 714. December 23, 1950. That is why many American excellent legists and sublime jurisprudence have never helped for his settlement case. On the other hand, when the United States of America followed with H.R. 7885-Pub-l 88-205 approved. December 16, 1963, so President Kennedy quickly sent his 400 American Armed Forces to the Republic of Vietnam together with a day, the super legists and sublime jurisprudences have not only praised for the invasion and subversion of the proxy war America in Vietnam but also honored the American Armed Forces to seize the ally of the Republic of Vietnam. In contrast, when the United States of America has not only betrayed its close Vietnam allies but also sold its Vietnam allies to mainland China and killed one excellent million troops of its close Vietnam Armed forces. That is why, the many American legists and super jurisprudence are solemnly silenced to express discrimination against the color racism and impressed by prejudiced indigenous law with the foreign naturalized citizens. In conclusion, why the American political rivals are protected by the laws by much American jurisprudence, during the American Courts have been prosecuting their American political rivals but the 14 Amendment of the US Constitution, but the foreign naturalized citizens are discriminated against the national color racism by the indigenous law. Even so, the United States Congress has enacted the law to invade and subvert the Republic of Vietnam during the United States department of Foreign Affairs has abused power to bully the Republic of Vietnam that has been paid the income tax for the United States of America like the Age of Neo-Colonialism has ruled in Vietnam which is why we, the Vietnamese people and officials paid the income tax for the second mother country in order to protect and rebuild our national Vietnam without having destroyed our sacred Vietnam and sold our country to mainland China like Secretary of state Kissinger has solemnly stated, “ Vietnam failures we did to ourselves.”  The USA’s Thanksgiving 2023 What does he somehow understand about the Rule of law or rule by the law of the government of the United States of America because Distort justice is a national traitor?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The American Super Jurisprudence Were?

The American super Jurisprudences were? In his opinion that he has based on this article to analyze for the legal actions of Ex-president Trump which is why a Vietnamese American naturalized by the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution when the plaintiff’s Bright Quang has carried out the indigenous law, international law, and the Hague convention, but the constitutional Court has not yet resolved to his settlement case. In fact, the United States Congress has enacted H.Res. 309 the fall of Saigon (1975): The bravery of American Diplomat and refugees. And S. 484- Bring them Home Alive Act- specially having three American leaders who had been relating to the Vietnam War while they had self-confessed wrongful actions in war by their written law in themselves. Therefore, according to a lawsuit of the settlement case or violated criminal while the defendants had self-confessed themselves which is why the Constitutional Court has not resolved to his settlement case. As a result, the plaintiff would like to carry out the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and individual Freedom and the Bill of Rights- Chapter 11- Equal Protection of the Law. Un such circumstances, the United States Department of Secretary of State had not only signed some bilateral treaties to approve the right to self-determination of the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam which 12 UST that The American Ambassador to the Vietnamese Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 152 Saigon, April 4,1961, and Taxation is agreement regarding tax administration. Exchange of notes at Saigon March 31 and May 3, 1967, Entered into force May 3, 1967. 18 UST 546; TIAS 6262; 685 UNTS 207, and 28 USC § 1346 b-the United States as the defendant- June 25, 1948-Chapter 171- Tort Claims Procedure and 22 USC§§ 1571_ 1604 - Pub.L 329-81 St Congress, 63 Sat 714. December 23, 1950. That is why many American excellent legists and sublime jurisprudence have never helped for his settlement case. On the other hand, when the United States of America followed with H.R. 7885-Pub-l 88-205 approved. December 16, 1963, so President Kennedy quickly sent his 400 American Armed Forces to the Republic of Vietnam together with a day, the super legists and sublime jurisprudences have not only praised for the invasion and subversion of the proxy war America in Vietnam but also honored the American Armed Forces to seize the ally of the Republic of Vietnam. In contrast, when the United States of America has not only betrayed its close Vietnam allies but also sold its Vietnam allies to mainland China and killed one excellent million troops of its close Vietnam Armed forces. That is why, the many American legists and super jurisprudence are solemnly silenced to express discrimination against the color racism and impressed by prejudiced indigenous law with the foreign naturalized citizens. In conclusion, why the American political rivals are protected by the laws by much American jurisprudence, during the American Courts have been prosecuting their American political rivals but the 14 Amendment of the US Constitution, but the foreign naturalized citizens are discriminated against the national color racism by the indigenous law. Even so, the United States Congress has enacted the law to invade and subvert the Republic of Vietnam during the United States department of Foreign Affairs has abused power to bully the Republic of Vietnam that has been paid the income tax for the United States of America like the Age of Neo-Colonialism has ruled in Vietnam which is why we, the Vietnamese people and officials paid the income tax for the second mother country in order to protect and rebuild our national Vietnam without having destroyed our sacred Vietnam and sold our country to mainland China like Secretary of state Kissinger has solemnly stated, “ Vietnam failures we did to ourselves.” The USA’s Thanksgiving 2023

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Struggle for Justice in Vietnam

A few burdens of sufferings of the Vietnamese people were built up by the United States of America which is why when the United States of America has not only had self-torn three multilateral and thirty-seven bilateral treaties signed with the Republic of Vietnam but also sold the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China by the United States of America. Therefore, he would like to struggle for justice in Vietnam. Bright Quang

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Paris Peace Accords is without having sold the Republic of Vietnam

No. 13295 (a) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM, PROVISIONAL REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH VIET-NAM and REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Viet-Nam. Signed at Paris on 27 January 1973 Authentic texts : English and Vietnamese. (A) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Dear Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Sir,

Dear Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Sir, Please share with me. Please review these exact evidence of the Vietnam War while a great America's ally has not only betrayed its close Republic of Vietnam's ally but also killed the Republic of Vietnam Army that induced one million excellent Armed Forces which is why the United States Constitution has not articles and chapters allowed the constitutional Court or so-called the United States Congress enacted the law to allow President Kennedy to self-kill a foreign president's Ngo Dinh Diem. That is why a great America's ally has self-killed its weak and small Vietnam Ally? Why does the United States of America have self-torn three multilateral and thirty-seven bilateral treaties signed with its Vietnam ally? Finally, if the American citizens didn't respect the orders of the United States Congress, the United States Congress ought to prosecute them while the United States Congress has walked on the United States Constitution, who should be prosecuted by the United States Congress? What do we vote for in the United States Congress? Best regards Bright Quang

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Tribunal of Human Conscience,

If you don't open the tribunal of human conscience yourself, your heart doesn't have any compassion. Bright Quang

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Dear Speaker of the House Sir,

Dear Speaker of the House Sir, In my opinion. That the United States has been voting for the American citizens - and therefore, the United States Congress ought first to prioritize to resolve the suffering American people like my settlement case which was petitioning for over fifteen years when the United States Congress has not only approved by the Congressional Court but also the United States senate has promised to resolve my settlement case which is the Congress hasn’t yet resolved my Settlement case. While my settlement case has not only had a legal case but also had three American leaders who had self-confessed wrongful actions in the Vietnam War by their written law. Therefore, the Speaker of the House’ Mike Johnson ought to enforce the United States Constitution to resolve because the fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution solemnly stated. As a result, The American people have voted for the United States Congress by the United States Constitution- therefore, the US Congress ought to resolve the important matters of the American Citizens first. Respectfully Yours - Bright Quang

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Dear Congressional Integrity Project Sir, Proposal

Dear Congressional Integrity Project Sir, Proposal When I have a dream to be an American citizen, I am proud to hold the ballot while I would like to vote for a few American leaders from the local to the central government. Just because I do wish to vote for him or her in order to protect America’s Founding Fathers because they created the value of the United States Constitution that has expressed loyalty, just cause, and justice because I have been left behind of the US Constitutional Court by the Fourteenth Amendment as like you have quoted. “Faith, Family, and Country.” Therefore, I believe your party more than others when I have been petitioning for the settlement case for the Vietnamese American prisoners of war which is why the United States of America has not self-torn three multilateral and thirty-seven bilateral treaties and international Relations of Protocols with your close Vietnam ally. In fact, your Congress has not only approved the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam but also enacted H.R. 7885 -Pub-l 88-205 Approved December 16, 1963. 11:00am. That is why the United States of America did not enforce 22USCode 2151 -Section 407 to sell the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China - while President Kennedy, General Westmoreland, and Secretary of State Kissinger have self-confessed wrongful actions in war. As a result, my settlement case is a legal action which is why the US Congress has not yet resolved my settlement case for fifteen years. Therefore, I must use the American ballet to conquer your Congress to express the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. Respectfully Yours Bright Quang

The humble and Inferior

When the American citizens have been voting to choose their United States Congress people, we have a dream that Congress would carry out the United States Constitution and law for all men to look like the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. However, the Congress has lifted the arch after crossing the bridge; after me the Deluge; to burn one’s bridges/ boats. Because the Congress has needed the American citizens, the Congress has never carried out any Constitution and law to help the humble and inferior. Bright Quang

Monday, November 13, 2023

His Quotes

Man, who created a new road when the guy should accept whatever of the monsters who had deprived the rights of innocent people. Bright Quang

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Young American General's without having future

In his opinion, if the United States of America hadn't been supporting Mainland China for fifty years after the United States of America sold the Republic of Vietnam to Chinese communist. The Chinese economy and army would not have been as mighty as today. Let mainland China has not only seized East Sea and a few small nations in the world and special mainland China has broken the young American general down by the Chinese opium and the American poor has been chaos by the Chinese productions. Bright Quang

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Poetry's Philosiphy

Bomb and bullet do not have soul were! They love meat than human rights. Bombs destroyed anywhere. Bullets killed all of there. Bright Quang​

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Dear Speaker of the House

To: Speaker of the Mike Johnson The United States Congress The United States Government solemnly promised to protect South-East-Asia including Cambodia, Laos, and South Vietnam. So, the US Congress has approved 22 US C §§ 1571_1604. P.L 329, 81st Congresses - 63 Stat- 714- December 23, 1950, and Act of the international Conference on Vietnam. Done at Paris March 2, 1973. Entered into force March2, 1973. 24 UST 485; TIAS 7568;935 UNTS 405 which is why this written law has become an unjust law. Proposal Dear Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Sir, The United States Congress I would like to beg you to help for my settlement of the prisoner of war because my case has not only carried out the exact evidence but also expressed the loyalty, just cause, and justice of Heroic Americanism. First, the Vietnamese war has three American leaders who are President Kennedy, General Westmoreland, and Secretary of State Kissinger when they have self-confessed wrongful actions in war by their written law themselves. Second, each year the United States Congress has enacted the law to recognize the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, so the United States Congress has self- acknowledged wrongful actions in oneself. Third, the United States Congress and Senate House have not only approved my legal action but also would like to submit my settlement case to our American President again. As a matter of fact, you have solemnly been self-represented by the American people and our Constitutional Court of America's Founding Fathers to let you resolve my settlement case- therefore; I am proudly impressed by your Congressional right. Just because you expressed the justice of a great powerful and modern civilized America to fit with "All men are equal." That we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, or Individual Freedom and the Bill of Rights-Chapter 11- Equal Protection of the law and our America’s Founding Fathers stated in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. They endowed their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from... On the other hand, a few months ago, I would like to beg you to resolve my settlement when the Senator Majority responded to me and said, “Your case has not yet been resolved." For me, I was very happy because hopefully for one day, I shall have a good day in my life. However, until today the three years have gone by, but my settlement will not have any results. Even worse, I am at a higher age when my time of my life is shorter- in the meanwhile, I will not know how to die because human beings look like biology since this frequency should be passed away and other frequencies will be born. Therefore, today I am courage to propose to you again to let me beg you to help for my settlement case because I would like to wish to buy a part tomb when I pass away, the burden of suffering can't bother my children and wife. Because of our American society cannot have any children who shall support for their parents when their parents have died, yet, the local government shall dig my tomb up and throw anywhere on the foreign earth if I didn't buy a part tomb for the long run- other hand, my death body will be unable to return to my former fatherland because you have understood about the Vietnamese Communist regime didn't welcome any puppet government of the Republic of Vietnam to burial on their fatherland. Therefore, I have a dream that my life has been serviced to the American enrichment by a great, powerful and modern civilized America that you should donate a little grace to me when my whole life has truthfully been dedicated to your great national America. I am permanently thankful to the honorable House of Speaker Mike Johnson of the United States Congress while I am solemnly impressed by your quotes, “Faith, Family, and Country.” Respectfully yours Bright Quang

The Hague Convention

The United States of America has solemnly been ratified the Hague Convention in the war of land, but the United States of America didn't carry out any The Hague Conventions like Convention to suppress the slave trade and slavery. concluded at Geneva September 25, 1926. Entered into force March 9, 1927. 46 Stat. 2183; ST 778; 2 Bevans 607; 60 LNTS 253. Depositary- United Nations

Sunday, November 5, 2023

A Core of the national interests's the USA.

To follow this essay to let him find out, Ex-Secretary of State Kissinger stated, " Vietnam failures we did to ourselves." Let Kissinger stated again, "The Vietnam War required us to emphasize the national interest rather than abstract principles. What President Nixon and I tried to do was unnatural. And that is why we didn't make it." As a result, this article has pointed out the national interests of the House Senate to express disloyalty, unjust law, and injustice by the invasion and subversion wars in the foreign nations. Let the United States boundlessly enrich by manufacturing weapons without having Human Rights or ethical conscience. Bright Quang

Heading into 2024, most Americans believe country headed in the wrong direction: POLL

To follow this essay to let him find out, Ex-Secretary of State Kissinger stated, " Vietnam failures we did to ourselves." Let Kissinger stated again, "The Vietnam War required us to emphasize the national interest rather than abstract principles. What President Nixon and I tried to do was unnatural. And that is why we didn't make it." As a result, this article has pointed out the national interests of the House Senate to express disloyalty, unjust law, and injustice by the invasion and subversion wars in the foreign nations. Let the United States boundlessly enrich by manufacturing weapons without having Human Rights or ethical conscience. Bright Quang

Saturday, November 4, 2023


Take animosity, you pay thankfulness, so the animosity shall be gone. If you have gotten animosity when your animosity is repaid back a thousand-fold back by animosities- therefore, the animosities will exist forever in your heart. Bright Quang

Equal Protection of the Law

his opinion says," That is why the white House does not carry out the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution like the right of the American citizens during a plaintiff's Bright Quang demands equal protection of the law-"Individual Freedom and the Bill of Rights-Chapter 11_ in the last half-century the constitutional command requiring equal protection of the laws for all people has been critical in the great social movements equal legal rights for people of color, women, and other groups, in the United States. And so on... which is why the settlement case of the Vietnamese American war minion has been submitted to the United States Congress and the House, and the United States Supreme Court from 2016 to up-to-day without having any organs considered for his settlement case." Bright Quang

Friday, November 3, 2023

Dear Senator Majority Sir,

Dear Senator Majority Sir, Have you remembered to solve my settlement case, hadn't you? Second, as you know to Security that increased $1,99 cents for two years because I was retired at 65 years old when the Department of Tax did not count any income tax while I have been paid for the Government of the United States of America from March 3, 1967, when we were side by side together with the American army fighting against socialism in Vietnam which is why the United States of America didn't give us to win socialism when the United States of America sold us to mainland China. To prove, Secretary of State Kissinger stated, " Vietnam failures We did to ourselves." That is why the United States Congress enacted law to mobilize us to win communism, but why didn't the United States of America resolve my settlement case while the United States Congress stated that didn't give a penny to give us to evacuate to the USA on 30 April 1975. Let Vietnamese communists jail us and nationalize all of my properties and small business. Finally, I would like to beg you to resolve my settlement case that fits with Equal protection of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. If your glorious life were my suffered life. How would you open the tribunal of human conscience? Respectfully Yours Bright Quang

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Why does the United States of America support Israel, but kill a close South Vietnam ally?

Why does the United States of America support Israel, but kill a close South Vietnam ally? His comparison both allies of the United States of America are the Republic of Vietnam and Israel which is why the United States of America has revealed the critical Race theory when the United States of America has been invaded and subverted the Republic of Vietnam and then, the United States of America sold the Republic of Vietnam, let US protect the core of national interests when the Republic of Vietnam hasn't violated any sovereignty of the United States of America or reprioritized to the safety of the American people which is why the US Congress has self-enacted the law to deprive the right to self-determination of the Vietnamese people during the United States Congress has not only approved 22 USC 1571_1604. Public Law 329-ST Congress, 63 Stat 714. December 23, 1950 and 22 USC 2151 says, "1963-Pub. L. 88–205 declared that institution of full investment guaranty programs with all recipient countries would be regarded as a significant measure of self-help by such countries improving investment climate, that assistance to maintain freedom from communism "shall" rather than "should" emphasize long-range development, that in the administration of programs of assistance, every precaution be taken to assure that assistance is not diverted to any short-term emergency purpose or any purpose not essential to long-range economic development, that other industrialized free-world countries increase their contributions and assistance to more equitably share the burden, and the President should in his discretion, extend or withhold assistance from South Vietnam to further victory and the return home of Americans involved in the struggle there. and section 407 says, "No department, agency, officer, or employee of the United States shall, under authority of this Act, exercise any direction, supervision, or control over, or impose any requirements, or conditions with respect to, the personnel curriculum, methods of instruction, or administration of any educational institution. Approved December 16, 1963.11:00. Am. Even so, the written law by the United States Congress has not only enforced but also carried out this Act to succeed. Even worse, the United States of America expressed disloyalty, unjust cause, and injustice with close ally's South Vietnam. To prove, the United States of America has self-killed one excellent million South Vietnam soldiers while North Vietnam has sent us to so many concentrations camps-during North Vietnam has freely avenged the South Vietnamese officials' ally. Just because a Senator of the United States Congress has stated, “I am to vote for any money needed to bring American soldiers and Americans out of South Vietnam back to the United States, but I will not give a penny for evacuation and resettlements of any one person. VietYet, the United States has no responsibility to them. The victory of the Vietnamese communist was because they [ the Vietnamese] refused to fight anti-communism." As a result, the Senator of the United States Congress has forgotten the confessions of three American leaders who are President Kennedy, General Westmoreland, and Secretary of State Kissinger. To prove, President Kennedy has ordered to CIA in Vietnam to assassinate President Ngo D. Diem, General Westmoreland testified hearings before the United States Congress and said, " Westmoreland’s designation as the president’s chief surrogate in the spring of 1967, though, left little doubt that Johnson had committed himself, and the nation, to continued war. Johnson intended his “salesmanship campaign” to shore up defenses backing the United States’ commitment to Vietnam, to push back against those questioning the viability of his policies. The nation’s top field general would disprove critics by demonstrating progress. At Westmoreland’s first stop, The Associated Press’s annual editors' luncheon on April 25, the general argued that Vietnam’s fate would affect the future of all “emerging nations.” He lauded his soldiers’ performance in rescuing a Saigon government “on the verge of defeat,” while highlighting the complexities of this kind of war — “a war of both subversion and invasion, a war in which political and psychological factors are of such consequence.” And while a confident Westmoreland painted a favorable military picture, he twice emphasized a point that most likely made Johnson wince. “I do not see any end of the war in sight.” Next, Secretary of State Kissinger has self-confessed wrongful action in Vietnam and said, “Vietnam failures we did to ourselves.” That is why the Senator of the United States of America solemnly stated, “South Vietnam has refused to fight anti-communist.” Therefore, the Vietnamese Communist has been killed the South Officials more than three hundred thousand in its concentration camps without having judgment’s courts. Finally, the United States Congress has not only discriminated against the national Vietnamese color but also prejudiced the indigenous law with the Vietnamese American enslaved war while the Afghanistan War had been evacuated for three months by the United States of America. Author Bright Quang