Friday, October 29, 2021

H.R 5490

H.R. 5490 Foreign Assistance Act of 1963. Hearing before Representatives- Eighty-Eighth Congress-From April 23,24,25, and 29, 1963. A question 3: In his opinion that the Government of the United States does not only approve the sovereignty and self-determination of the Republic of Vietnam by bilateral treaties at Saigon on April 4, 1961,Number 152 but also solemnly accepted South Viet to be close allies.That is why the United States Congress has been interfered into the inner of the Republic of Vietnam during the United States Constitution has prohibited any American leaderships have freely interfered deep inner of the government of the Republic of Vietnam which is why the United States Congress has carried out the Second Amendment to allow President Kennedy that he sent the American Armed Forces to Vietnam, but the American Government has freely betrayed loyalty with the Republic of Vietnam.

The Cultural tradition of the American Poeple

The cultural tradition of the American people has respected the literature, equal, and loyalty, just cause, and justice because the United States of America has symbolized modern civilization and progressive society which is why a few American citizens who are illiterature because this guy not only non-educated but also has belligerent guy-therefore, this guy seems to come from the highland of Vietnam when he is using some words by the lack of modern civilization of the United States of America -in the meantime, the United States of America has so many universities which is why this guy has not enrolled any universities to open mind to not using a cunts and fuck off. In contrast, the American politics have never thought to the low level of the United States of America when almost of the American people not only lost their education but also lacked culture - for example, some men have automatically locked his's without having had the First Amendment enacted this case.