Monday, December 18, 2023

The lack of the Vietnamese American Immigrants is the Political Science Study,

The lack of the Vietnamese American Immigrants is the Political Science Study, That is why the Vietnamese American immigrants have lost the right to hang their Yellow flag in the American offices because the Vietnamese American immigrants did not pass any political Science study- therefore, they did not understand about the legal struggle for justice with the Government of the United States of America like Ex-president Bush's son stated and said," South Vietnam did not struggle for their freedom which is why they have not had it today. "Let him prove the United States Congress has stated on October 31, 2019, by Senator Joe Biden, "October 31, 2019 · WATCH: Joe Biden says: While Senator Biden stated: I am ready to vote any money needed to bring American soldiers and Americans out of South Vietnam back to the United States, but I will not give a penny for evacuation and resettlement of any one person. Viet Yet, the United States have no responsibility to save any one person or 100,001 Vietnamese; the United States has no responsibility to them. The victory of the Vietnamese communist was because they [Vietnamese] refused to fight anti-communalism. After that, Senator Joe Biden says, "I'm going to make sure that we rejoin the Paris Peace Accord on day one." The Paris Peace Accords = a treaty to end the Vietnam War that was signed in 1973, Biden's first year in the Senate. The hypocrisy of the American leaders has been revealed in the multilateral and bilateral treaties of the Vietnam War. THE UNITED STATES SENATE.doc2 (1).doc. fact, the Vietnam War has been controlled from the central to the local governments of the Republic of Vietnam which from December 30, 1950, by the Mutual Defense Assistance treaties signed in Saigon, Vietnam, approved by the United States Congress enacted the law which are 22 USC §§ 1571_1604. Pub. L 329-81 Congress, 63 Stat, 714. December 30, 1950. and Geneva Conference July 20, 1954, and Paris Peace Accord on January 27, 1973, which is why the American Secretary of State didn't carry out 22 U.S. Code § 7111 - Report by Secretary of State Report by Secretary of State Text contains those laws in effect and 1 U.S. Code § 112b - United States international agreements; transmission to Congress, and 1 U.S. Code § 113 - “Little and Brown’s” edition of laws and treaties; slip laws; Treaties and Other International Acts Series; admissibility in evidence which is why the American Secretary of State didn't carry out these statutes, but the American Secretary of State has enacted volume-935-I-13295-English, and then, the United States Congress didn't enact any law like Mutual Defense Assistance in December 23, 1950. In case, before Adviser Kissinger of the United States of America secretly met with Mainland China in July 9-11, 1971, General Westmoreland testified hearings before the United States Congress to plane destroyable the Republic of Vietnam by Johnson, Westmoreland and the the 'selling' of Vietnam by Gregory Daddis- May 9, 2017. said, "Johnson intended his “salesmanship campaign”-At Westmoreland’s first stop, The Associated Press’s annual editors luncheon on April 25, the general argued that Vietnam’s fate would affect the future of all “emerging nations.” He lauded his soldiers’ performance in rescuing a Saigon government “on the verge of defeat,” while highlighting the complexities of this kind of war — “a war of both subversion and invasion, a war in which political and psychological factors are of such consequence.” And while a confident Westmoreland painted a favorable military picture, he twice emphasized a point that most likely made Johnson wince. “I do not see any end of the war in sight.” As a result, the decision of the fate of the Republic of Vietnam was determined by the United States of America when the sovereignty and the right to self-determination of the Vietnamese people and the Republic of Vietnam that were the right to life deprived by the United States of America. Therefore, President Joe Biden was electrical campaigning for candidates presidential, he has solemnly promised to rejoin the Paris Peace Accord to express loyalty, just cause and justice of his political democratic Party and his great powerful America of the Vietnam War on 31 October 2019 by his video tape. In condition to have the Vietnamese Yellow Flag ought to fly about the United States of America when the Vietnamese American immigrants must use the American laws and Constitution like the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution that we ought directly to struggle for justice with the United States Congress because the United States of America has been used its indigenous law, Constitution to seize, oust, sell out the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China- therefore, we, the Vietnamese American immigrants, must be struggled with a great powerful America by the political science study or so-called, we must use law that we struggle for Justice by the American law and constitution because the United States of America has self-destroyed the Republic of Vietnam, the powerful America should be rebuilt the Republic of Vietnam by three multilateral and the thirty-seven bilateral treaties and so many international Relations of protocols solemnly signed with its close Republic of Vietnam allied. Even good, the great powerful America is one of the five great powerful countries of the United Nations Organization when the United States of America always respected whole world treaties with others which is why a great powerful America has self-swallowed its law, constitution, treaties with its weak, small and alliance Republic of Vietnam that is why the whole Vietnamese American immigrants didn't dare to directly struggle for justice with the United States of America when we have self - insulted each other and mobilized for the innocent Vietnamese people to fight anti-Vietnamese communist regime during the Vietnamese communists were wisely nourished by the United States of America- in the meanwhile, the Vietnamese American refugees were wearing for their color glasses, they didn't wear any their white glasses. USA. December 18, 2023, BY Author Bright Quang