Sunday, July 16, 2023

Impression of the United States Congress, Continue. Print his opinion that upon unrighteousness, lower chaos, chaos. when the United States Congress enacted the unjust law in Vietnam-therefore, the FBI followed behind the US Congress, it didn't enforce the law. On the other hand, the United States Congress has not only three multilateral and thirty-seven bilateral treaties signed with the Republic of Vietnam but also the United Nations Organization endorsed in all. That is why the United States Congress hasn't resolved the settlement case of the Vietnamese American Re educated Concentration camps while the United States Congress enacted 342 -118 th Congress (2023-2024): Recognizing the 48 th anniversary and Reps, CORREA, STeel Introduce Bipartisan Resolution recognizing the 48 th Anniversary of the fall Saigon which is why the United States Congress enacted the H.R.7885. Approved in Dec. 16.1963 to seize the Republic of Vietnam and to build 30 years of inhuman war-and then, the United States of America sold the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China. Why does the United States of America abuse power to bully a small nation like the Republic of Vietnam to impress disloyalty, unjust cause, and injustice while America's founding Fathers didn't allow this case? Therefore, the United States Department of Justice doesn't enforce any laws of the United States Congress orders like the Hunter Biden case.