Thursday, September 23, 2021

NEO-Slaved War

Dear Sir/ Madam First, exact self-evident of competent International agreements, multilateral, bilateral Treaties, and international relations of protocols of the proxy war America are enforced by the justice of the American laws and the United States Constitution during the United States Congress has been approved them which is why the United States Congress has not carried out the compensation of the Southern Officers of prisoners of war and therefore, he would like to be a proposal for the pensions to request the compensation of the prisoners of war without having had any motive politics because of these things have formally expressed loyalty, just cause, justice of the United States of America which are why the Government of the United States of America have not enforced the laws of Prisoners of war after the United States has sold the Republic of Vietnam to communism. Good even, exact the US Congress has been enacting for the laws and the US Constitution for being approved multilateral and bilateral treaties, and the international relations of protocols with the Republic of Vietnam to approve the sovereignty and the self-determination of the Republic of Vietnam from December 23, 1950, by 22 US Code §§1571_1604, which is why the US Congress does not enforce this multilateral treaty with the Republic of Vietnam. Exactly, the written rules of the Government of the United States of America’s Agreement effected by exchange of notes Signed at Saigon April 4, 1961: Entered into force April 4, 1961, by Embassy of the United States of America, Saigon, and April 1961. Number152-TIAS 4717-special Taxation “Exchange of notes at Saigon March 31, and May 3, 1967, 18 UST 546, TIAS 6262; 685 UNTS207” of the Government of the United States Congress has been ordered to the Republic of Vietnam to pay the full income tax when the United States Congress has approved us to be neo-colonialist. That is why during selling us to mainland China, the United States of America has sent us to many concentration camps by the North Vietnam regime, but the United States of America not only murdered us but also nationalized our properties to support Vietnamese communism while being barbarously deprived of the rights to life of the South Vietnam allies.