Monday, December 30, 2019

Bill O'Reilly Weighs in on the Jussie Smollett Controversy

The United States Constitution and The American law do not only protect the political parties and the American leaderships but also serviced for the Native Americans , but these have not protect any immigrants, these only punished the immigrants. However, the political parties do need the ballots and donation let them rule the human beings and small nations

Alan Dershowitz Reacts to Trump's Impeachment

Why did the US Congress enacted the law in order to seize the Republic of Vietnam when the Republic of Vietnam sovereignty was approved by the US Congress. The Government of the United States of America did not only sell off it to communism but also bombed to destroy and to imprisonments all of the Southern Officers . Where is the American justice showing on the world? Or take the great weapons to oppress the weak people?
  • Bright Quang Why did the US Congress enacted the law in order to seize the Republic of Vietnam when the Republic of Vietnam sovereignty was approved by the US Congress. The Government of the United States of America did not only sell off it to communism but also bombed to destroy and to imprisonments all of the Southern Officers . Where is the American justice showing on the world? Or take the great weapons to oppress the weak people?
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His Modern Art


Bright Quang is an interesting and inspiring man. Idiosyncratic and personal, his painting describes his response to his life and shares with us a long, solitary view acquired in the midst of tragic world events of the thirty years-war, displacement, and struggle. Bright's reply to all is, rather than despair, hope, Bright's work, and his character, celebrates what it means to alive in difficult time.
Dickson Schneider 
California State University Hayward-East Bay  

The Auction of His Modern Art - Bright Quang - Medium

His Modern Art

The Auction of His Modern Art - Bright Quang - Medium