Monday, June 8, 2015

TRICARE’s Breast Pump Policy Updates Effective July 1

TRICARE’s Breast Pump Policy Updates Effective July 1

According to me that I would not need
to earn good money because my big properties were bankrupted by the American
policy of the Vietnam War. As you know since the Vietnam War had taken place by
the war power of the United
States. The U.S did not want to win the
invaded war, but it wanted to play with its powerful game in order to trample
down the weak people to mud as like the Vietnamese people and the Vietnamese
southern soldiers were to be Paid soldiers of the United States without benefit
of Imprisoned Insurance because the United States has left us to Vietnamese
communist regime did not only revenge us but also send us to many concentration
camps when the Kissinger has declared and said, "Vietnam failures we did
to ourselves." however, the American constitution has declared the bills
of Vietnam War in order to hire us to be paid solders of the United States, but
it did not compensate any pennies to us since we were jailed by the United
States policy and therefore, I would not need to earn any good money, but I
have been creating for more books, so my books will provide for my true heart
because book is master key opening the human being treasure and perform
justice, which is peaceful, but anti-justice as demagogy. So, the rest of my
life will not need any money and political parties when I create more books
than others. Because the life of human beings should be slavery for the power,
but the life of human person must be donate the good, the true and the
beautiful to human beings in order to build a honest, peace world without hate
and animosity because its happiness is looked like my own, its sorrow is like
my own life and therefore I do not need to fight for money.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Hiểu Đất Nước Mình
Bạn hãy hiểu cho đất nước mình ,
Mỹ nuôi Cộng sản tạo điêu linh.
Cộng hòa thắng giặc , không quyền thắng
Một triệu quân hùng , chuốt tiếng khinh
Mỹ giúp giặc thù cai trị nước
Hãm đà tiến hóa Việt dân sinh
Tự do , dân chủ không cần biết ,
Nấu thịt nồi da tiếp tục trình.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Loretta Lynch’s First Test: Will AG Allow Racial Discrimination Violations in Voting Continue?

Loretta Lynch’s First Test: Will AG Allow Racial Discrimination Violations in Voting Continue?

 Dear Sir: I disagree with Mr. Bill Quigley when he has said the forty reasons why our jails are full of Black Brown and poor people. According to me that only have one reason that our nation is full Black brown and poor people because our American Constitution has only had protection for the American powerful, our American Constitution has trampling down the weak and poor people. For example, our American Constitution must punish to Black brown and poor people, but protects for the American powerful. Next, if the Black Brown and the poor people did not keep any their oath loyalty with our American Constitution, so these men must put to send to the jails. However, the American powerful did not keep its oath loyalty with our American Constitution, and then, they opened their mouth in laugh. In fact, the Kissinger who has destroyed his oath loyalty to his American Constitution, so he has had award of Noble prize's peace, and next, Black Brown or poor people have forget to seat-belt when driving a car, so the American police have order them to American courts, but former President Bush's son did not have seat-belt, so the American police asked him, so the Bush opened mouth in laugh. Next, When former Bush's son directly went to the United Court in order to claim about his voting, so the United States Court quickly opens in judge, but when Vice President Al Gore is going to the U.S. Supreme Court, there has had order to Al Gore should follow the Court police within six months it will be judging for his case. However, when the limit of claim is within 60 days and therefore, the limit of Vice President Al Gore was lost in the voted win.
 And therefore, I would say, “Distort Justice is national traitor."