Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Dear Senator Chairman Bob Menendez sir,

Dear Senator Chairman Bob Menendez sir, I submitted my settlement case for prisoners of war of the Vietnam War to you and Senator Chairwoman Kalana Harris on June 14, 2021, because the Vietnam War or so-called is a proxy war of America which have three masterminds of the American leaders who are Secretary of State Kissinger, General Westmoreland, and Lieutenant John Kerry when they have self-confessed wrongful actions in war. Therefore, I based on the exact evidence-truth when I proved three multilateral and thirty-seven treaties between the American Government signed with the Republic of Vietnam to petition the United States Congress to request compensation. Just because the American Government not only enforced the American law and treaties with the Republic of Vietnam but also sold the Republic of Vietnam to mainland China. Significantly, we, the Southern troops and Vietnamese natives had been paid the income tax to the American Government when we were side by side together with the American Armed Forces fighting against communism, the American Government received the income tax by 18 UST 546; TIAS 6262;685 UNTS 207 on May 3, 1967. Why did we pay the Income tax to the American Government, but we haven't received any pennies of pensions? To follow Act H.R. 7885 Pub. L 88_205 Approved December 16, 1963. This is why the United States Congress betrayed us without having expressed loyalty, just cause, and justice with your South Vietnam allies which is why I would like to petition to request compensation to follow the American law and Constitution. As a result, according to a legal lawsuit, I have carried out adequate exact laws, the constitution, and the United States treaties written law by the American leaders have self-confessed wrongful actions in the war which is why the United States Congress does not resolve my settlement case when I have seen online displaying Petition2Congress evidence, so I would like to request the help from you. Respectfully Yours Bright Quang