Saturday, October 23, 2021

How do we think about the Vietnam War?

The first time The United States of America came to South Vietnam, it mobilized the Southern people that must fight against communism by its HR.7885 Approved December 16,1963, but which is why the United States of America did not only trap the Southern people but also fooled the Southern troops. Let America sell South Vietnam to mainland China but the Government of the United States of America has not compensated any pennies by the American treaties- for example, the American Government has forced the South soldiers to pay the income tax's 18 UST 546;TIAS 6262;685 UNTS 207 in the meanwhile, we are just side by side with the American troops to fight against communism and just paying this income tax to our motherland. Perhaps, a great power's America is right to rob a small nation and then, the United States of America has freely sold a small nation to other power to let America protect its nationnal core of interests which is why Human right and anti-discrimination America have this case. In fact, the Vietnamese people are poorer than the American people trillion fold, but the ambitious heart of the invaded wars of the American leaders is limitless.ironically, the American people are drunk sleeping on the morality when the American people have never thought about their leaderships who are freely thinking the Vietnamese people and troops that we are depriving for the right to life of humankind by the American Armed forces. In case, three million civil Vietnamese people were innocent that is why they were killed by the super weapons of the United States when one million Vietnam troops were got along with the America allied which is the human rights of the America have deprived for the right to life our Vietnam troops without having regretted while we were pushed to send to the Vietnamese communist jails.Especially the American human rights have seen the three- hundred -thousand Southern officers were assassinated by the Vietnamese Communist without having sentenced-judges and during the American leaderships not only had happiness but also they had interested to see the Vietnamese communist regime nationalized all the Southern officers while the Paris Peace Accords has not recorded to declare these cases. In conclusion, the life of the Greatest power's America is a higher right than God because the Government of the United States of America has been using the right to kill humankind without having had any conscience. Courts ought to judge the hearts of American politicians.So, we the people should donate more to the American politicians to let them save humankind.

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