Tuesday, April 28, 2020

'God's waiting room': Lt. Governor reacts to Florida comments

Good Day America

Why does not ex-president Bush help to fight against Mainland China when it uses weaponizes to destroy our wonderful America and the whole world when Iraq did not have any weaponizes, Ex-President Bush destroyed all of the Iraq nation, but did not see any chemical weapons.

Mainland China just tests completely in Wuhan province effectively, and then, mainland China expands to the whole world when another the Chinese provinces have never had coronavirus 19, so  it strongly beats for Capitalisms that is shredded.  

Second, where does Mr. Kissinger use the B.52 airplane bomb to look like Kissinger has used in the Vietnam War because mainland China has against to New World Orders of Kissinger? 

Or where is ex-president Obama beating mainland China as he has beaten Libya? 
Finally, we, the American citizens, will worry about the Chinese trade productions in which may contain the poisonous when the poor of the American citizens use them, but the richest has never used them.

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