Saturday, February 1, 2020

BREAKDOWN: The impeachment process

28 U.S.
Code § 2680. Exceptions

- Exceptions

exceptions of his case are not belonging to 28 U.S. Code § 2680. Exceptions -
however, the exceptions of his is very important to his case because the
Government of the United States of America did not interfere with the self-determination
of the Republic of Vietnam if the Government of the United States of America
did not trample down the independence of the Republic of Vietnam. So the
Government of the United States of America did respect self-determination of
the Republic of Vietnam when the United States Congress has enacted American
law that was confirmed by the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973, during
President Nixon has solemnly declared and said, " The United States
respected self-determination of the Republic of Vietnam - and no one will be
left behind." However, the Government of the United States of America has
been doing for the Vietnam War when no the United States Constitution, no the
American law, and no the American justice has ordered seizing the Republic of Vietnam
and selling out to communism which was exceptions of the United States
Constitution, the American law, and the American justice, but the exceptions of
the United States of America is to be beginning a self - evident justice. That
the Government of the United
States of America
has entirely had
obligations' compensation the injured damages of his case of prisoner of war
and so on. Because of the Government of the United States of America is a Great
Power, when, all world is knowing, the United States Constitution, the American
law, and American justice are symbolized for the Vietnam War.

But the
Vietnam War of the Government of the United States of America has become to
Neo-colonial war of the United States; the United States Congress has enacted
American law which is Foreign Assistance Act in 1963 when the Government of the
United States of American was strongly progressing for the proxy war in the
Republic of Vietnam and then, the American Government has sold off the Republic
of Vietnam to communism. In contrast, why did the Government of the United
States of American to had been oppressing force, weak Vietnamese people, that
we ought to serve the proxy war of the United States for the thirty years
in the past, but the American Government did not give us win communism when the
United States Congress enacted the law? That is why in the end the Government
of the United States of America did not only sell off the Republic of Vietnam
to communism but also destroyed all of the Republic of Vietnam Army that totally
is one million talent soldier, but the Government of the United States of
America has never compensated any pennies to us. In his opinion that no parents
of the human world were born the children to let them service proxy war of America
without had any benefit but also lost in all properties of their lives. Where
is the ethical conscience of the American Government put into the proxy war in
the Republic of Vietnam when the American Government is
a super modern civilized society? Or so-called the exception of the United
States Congress and Constitution was bankrupted by the American Revolution, so
the American law of the proxy war of the United
States of America
of the Vietnam War of the Republic of Vietnam
was not existed by America.
As a result, the compensation of prisoner of war of the Vietnam War of the
American Government is nothing.

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