Sunday, December 8, 2019

Bernard Kerik Says Admiral Green Has a Vendetta Against Eddie Gallagher

The Vietnamese people are brainwashed  by the luxurious Americans, and therefore, they are super penny-a- liner
We struggle by the  American Law and the united States ConstitutionYou should understand about the Paris Peace Accords that the United States Congress did not approve by the American law, The United States Treaty was to be American law 22 US code 1571_1601. Public law 329-81 st. Congress, 63 State 714. December 23, 1950. However, the Geneva Conference On July 20, 1954, and Paris peace Accords-on January 27, 1973, those the United States treaties could not approve by the United States Congress because those the United States Treaties were to be puppet treaties in which did not fool the Vietnamese people but also deceived the human world. Therefore, the petition of the Prisoner of war of the Vietnam War has carried out the United States law, which is 28 U.S.Code 1520 Treaty case, 28 U.S code 1346, 28 U.S. code 1346 b, and 50 U.S.Code 4105 -Prisoner of war and 50 U.S code 4101.If you are the Vietnamese pundits, you should aware for all of the American laws in which are relations for the Republic of Vietnam. And then, you do realize the Government of the United States of America did not only trap the Southern people and pundits but also deceived the human world. If we want to struggle with the justice of the Vietnam War, we directly struggle for the American justice, the American law, and the United States Constitution with the United States Congress than we are talkative, but our result can't have any weights.
What does he somehow understand about to Rule of law or rule by the law of the government of the United States of America because Distort justice is a national traitor?

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