Saturday, January 12, 2019

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the American citizens, would like to compare the government shutdown and the
prisoners of war of the Vietnam War of the United States of America.
of all, our government is just shutdown within a couple week-however, the
government workers were lamenting for the lack of the home-bill payment, and
the lack of the fees pays for the child's enrolling for study in university.
contrast, our government of the United
States of America
had sold to leave all of
the Southern officers to communism on April 30, 1975. As a result, the foe of
us is Vietnamese Communist regime when it has been nationalizing the real
property of us. Moreover, our foe of Vietnamese people and the American people
have been sent us to many concentration camps for at least is from three years
to the eighteen years, but without have any benefits of prisoners of war. Also,
our families and children were homeless and no schools would teach to our
children, but the government of the United States of America has been
insulting us when American president declared and said, " The South
Vietnam did not fight for their freedom which is why they did not have it
today." Ironically, our American leadership who has forgot that the
Kissinger who declares and says, " Hanoi
wanted victory." He donated the Republic
of Vietnam
to communism
during, we, the Southern people and officers do not violated crime to
Americanism and communism. In contrast, the Kissinger has saying, " Vietnam
failures we did to ourselves."
Bright Quang, prisoner of War of the Vietnam War of the United States of
America,  exactly in law, has been
petitioning to the American Courts in order to ask for his benefits of prisoner
of war, but the court has been prejudiced by national origin under the color
races- ironically, the court has forgot its oath and loyalty which is
28 U.S. C. § 453  when it is freely walling on its United States
conclusion, the American government workers should realize to the prisoner of
war of the Vietnam War of the United States of America when they are working in
the Department of Justice- they must compare their shutdown and Vietnamese
American prisoners of war let them should be opening document of the prisoners
of war in order to be equal in all.

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